The Ultimate Cosplayer Holiday Gift Guide

Every crafter has a dream, a wish, and a closet full of crafting tools that always need refining with this cosplayer gift guide!
It’s that time of year again—the time to spend with family, catching up on your reading, or working on those exciting cosplay projects you’ve been dying to finish. Regardless of where you’ll be this holiday season, there are always a few last-minute construction items that the cosplayer in your life (or you yourself!) can use. This week we’ve made the searching easy- we’ve crowd-sourced some excellent gift options for you! Behold, the first cosplayer gift guide!

Instead of coming up with a list of items ourselves, we outsourced it. We’ve polled several of our favorite cosplay groups and communities to put together a small yet mighty list of gift ideas. Whether you’re a cosplayer searching for inspiration, OR you’re shopping for one… We hope this list of cosplayer holiday gift guide ideas serves you well! Happy crafting!
The Bernette b79 Yaya Han Sewing Machine
This year launched a stunning new addition to the world of embroidery and sewing. But why talk about this amazing new hotness ourselves when we can let Yaya Han herself do it? Here’s why this is in our cosplayer gift guide:
The sewing machine was a very intensive project between me and Burnette, the Swiss company that is under Bernina. For many months I’ve been quite stressed out, but since the launch, everyone has had great reactions to the machine. I’m really just excited for people to have the chance to walk home with a machine and be able to discover the huge world of embroidery. Those are the really rewarding things for me. If I can start a trend in more people embroidering and digitizing, that will evolve cosplay further. That will give people even more opportunities to make their dream costumes.”
-Yaya Han
A Soldering Iron
“A soldering iron for electronics is nice for a beginner to take their cosplay to the next level.”
Advertisement–Stefano Hiechi, from the Cosplay Builders Group
Colored Duct Tape
“My partner won a few years back. He included 3 rolls of good-quality duct tape. Black, because I was mostly doing dark colors.”
–Ana Maea Chitara Whangapirita, from Kamui’s Cosplay Community
A1 Cutting Mat
“Depends on budget, but a new A1 cutting mat never goes astray.”
–Terry Skrinjar, 40k Cosplay Group
A Side of Leather
“100% crafting media of choice for a cosplayer gift guide. worbla, eva foam, LEATHER. I would die if someone decided to send me an entire 4oz hide because that’s so much of the cost… My kingdom for a hide!!!! (a very practical gift!!)”
AdvertisementAshton Sauceda-DeMino, Kaizhe Leatherwork
Gift Card (For Fabric and More!)
“I think a really good gift would either be some muslin or a gift card to a fabric store. In sorority secret Santa in college, I always put fabric on my do not give list because I had specific fabrics I wanted so I didn’t want to be given a yard of costume satin or something. So “fabric” isn’t necessarily a good gift, but “fabric for mockups” or “gift card to place to pick your fabric” is good.”
Amanda Dalsted, Kamui Cosplay Community
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy more cosplay research books, so thanks in advance for supporting our holiday dreams!

~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~
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