This ‘Final Fantasy VII’ Cosplay Fan Film is Almost Holy

We’re heading back to Midgar, for a project of epic proportions that hopped right out of Shinra Headquarters. We’re watching the Final Fantasy VII fan film!
Anyone who has paid attention to the BoLS cosplay beat knows I’m inordinately dedicated to the Final Fantasy Franchise. I’ve played the games since I was a child, and no game has ever established such a large place in my heart. As such, I am a member of several online forums for the game, and for cosplay communities dedicated to it. Today we’re delivering news of an exceptional Final Fantasy VII fan film!
The world of cosplay in relation to Final Fantasy VII is incredibly strong, and this week we’re going to see a prime example of it. Last week I came across an AMAZING fan film project that I absolutely had to share with you all. If you’re interested in more cosplay from Final Fantasy VII, we’ve covered it.
The Cosplayers
This dynamic video project comes to us from a collaboration of Cosplayers Thames Malerose and Light Cosplayer, brought together with the cinematic prowess of artist Nathalang. Music tracks are JVNA – Wonders, and Brook Xiao – Fire (ft. Rachel Horter). [NCS Release]Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
The Project
This short fan film is a feature of Cloud and Tifa, on the streets of Midgar. The most exceptional part of this concept, to me, is both the Accuracy of the Cosplays coupled with the display of skills unique to each character, as well as the amazing setting developed by the videographer. The film FEELS like a cut scene from the game, which is an amazing and difficult feat to accomplish. It’s absolutely stunning, and I hope this crew is able to fund a larger project!
Support the Artists
You can find some adorable Prints available from both of the Cosplayers from this project on their pages, like this one of Don Corneo’s Mansion Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith.
This film was personally funded by the Cinematographer, who is actively seeking donations to his creative campaigns. Love video projects like this? Want to see more work from this amazing artist? Consider shooting him a donation.
Lastly, I’ll leave you with this gem: the cosplayers had a dance-off during production. It’s hilarious.
Final Credits
Cloud: Thames Malerose – Instagram / Facebook
Tifa: Light Cosplayer – Instagram
Videographer NaThalang – Facebook / World Cosplay/ Cosplayers Global / Ko-fi
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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