Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate Daemonhunters – Techmarines Unveiled

Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate Daemonhunters brings the power of the Omnissiah to your Grey Knights, with the new Techmarine.
With Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate Daemonhunters upcoming new expansion, Duty Eternal, two new classes open up to the Grey Knights. As Nurgle’s Bloom mutates, and new missions reveal themselves, the Grey Knights will need every tool in their arsenal.
Especially since it mutates to the point where Nurgle’s latest plague becomes something akin to a technological virus. But fortunately, the Grey Knights have tools for dealing with such things. Which brings us to the Grey Knight’s Techmarine.
Chaos Gate Daemonhunters – Techmarine
Invoke the Machine God with the all-new Techmarine class and greatly expand your tactical options.
These fierce warrior-smiths are machine masters, bringing with them a diverse cadre of Combat Servitors to aid their battle brothers, such as armour-breaking Breachers, to long-range, area-of-effect damaging Bombards.
The techmarine is a powerful warrior smith. Equipped with the holy icons of the Cult Mechanicus, the Techmarine wades into battle with Omnissian axes, as well as bolt guns, and a powerful servo harness.
Accompanied by combat servitors, and with power enough to bolster their comrades, Techmarines bring a lot to the table.
As on the tabletop, Techmarines excel when they have someone to support. Especially keeping the mighty Venerable Dreadnought in combat.
But Techmarines are more than just support. Their combat servitors can help sunder an enemy’s armor, or deliver powerful explosive payloads wherever it’s needed most. Which means yet another opportunity to deliver AoEs.
Between the Techmarine’s Combat Servitors and the heavy weapons you can slot onto a Venerable Dreadnought, it seems like you’ll need weapons enough to clear hordes of daemons.
Fortunately the Techmarine has a few on his person as well. Between flamers and plasma cutters, anyone who gets close will be in for a time.
Duty Eternal releases December 6th