Warhammer 40K: Narrative Threads That Need Resolution Next Year

Games Workshop has a lot of loose narrative threads that could use some tending to. Here’s a few we hope get sorted out.
Warhammer 40,000 has a lot of narrative threads that have been setup and left dangling. I sure that GW has plan for them and it wasn’t just a cheeky way for the writers/designers to leave themselves narrative openings for later or anything. That said, there are a few that have been bugging me and I hope we get some resolution.
The Birth of Ynnead/Ynnari
So uh…what the heck have these guys been up to?! They brought back Guilliman and then went off into the webway, I guess? Personally, I thought they were gonna become a major player in the 40k storyline but I guess they had their time in the spotlight. I’m hoping they make an appearance in 2023 and do something to shake things up once again (like bring back another Imperial Primarch).
Fallout From The Devastation Of Baal
So the Great Rift happened and Ka’Bandha saved Baal. Are we just not going to talk about a massive effigy to Khorne showing up on the homeworld of the Blood Angels? No? We’re just going to skip over that and let it roll. Oh and have some Primaris reinforcements and don’t worry about that whole Black Rage thing that still affects them, too. Yeah…we need some resolution here. I mean, we can take a guess as to why a Khorne Daemon saved the Blood Angels but how does that make them feel?
Also, what about the Tyranid fleet that was there? I would think the Tyranids would suddenly be VERY upset that all that biomass went missing. There’s gotta be some sort of Psychic residue from all that death and the Hive Mind learns. I think Ka’Bandha is about to have some beef with the Hive Mind one way or another and the Blood Angels are caught in the middle. Speaking of Tyranids…
War Zone Octarius: Aftermath
We know how it ends for the Octarius War. The Tyranids have killed the Overfiend and are basically consuming the sector. At the same time, the Orks are infighting and the Imperium has managed to stabilize a part of the sector…for now.
Basically this battle pit two super predators against each other: The Orks vs The Tyranids. The big fear of this whole war zone was that “whichever side wins the conflict would come out stronger than ever.” Well, the Tyranids won…what does that mean for everyone else? They had a lot of evolutions to perfect to defeat the orks. They had a lot of biomass to consume. And they are still hungry. I hope we actually see something new spring from this conflict and not the same Tyranids after the fact.
The Nachmund Gauntlet
So we kind of got a recap of the events of the Nachmund Gauntlet. Remember ol’ Haarken Worldclaimer and that whole “80 days” prediction? Well, this story is still ongoing. The fight shifted and the battle still rages. Will we see a resolution in 2023? I doubt it…but it would be nice! Honestly, I just want to see one of these War Zones actually have a resolution so we can put a pin in it and move on to the next battle. But hey, that’s not how the grimdark works, amirite?!
What are some story threads you hope to see get tied up in 2023 for Warhammer 40,000? Let us know in the comments!