Warhammer 40K: The 5 Best Space Marine Heroes

What makes a hero of out a Space Marine? It’s their actions. And these 5 heroes top the list of Space Marines!
The universe of Warhammer 40,000 is littered with heroes. It seems like if you throw a stone anywhere in the galaxy you’re likely to hit some famous hero of a war (or at least their grave) with all the battles happening in the Grimdark. The same could be said for Space Marines. While these GMO Warriors are humanities finest weapon and heroic in their own right, there are still heroes among them that stand out from the rest. Here’s our list of the 5 best and most heroic Space Marine heroes — in no particular order.
Pedro Kantor
Pedro Kantor will always be an inspiration when it comes to Space Marines. It’s not just for his martial prowess or his tactical mind; he is a Chapter Master afterall. It’s also because of his leadership. If you’ve read the Rynn’s World novel, then you know that Kantor doesn’t just fight well, he leads his men even better. He sets the example of how a good leader should behave and takes responsibility for his men and their mistakes. It’s one thing to take credit for victory when your men fight hard. It’s another to responsibility for your men when they make a mistake and fail.
While Mephiston, Lord of Death certainly has a spooky title and the look of Space Dracula, he’s so much more than that. This potent psyker has done something that I don’t think the Blood Angels realize is even possible: he beat the Black Rage. If you don’t know what that is, the Black Rage is essentially a death sentence and it’s a major issue for the Blood Angels and their successors. Even now, the Blood Angels Apothecaries are searching for a cure. But Mephiston faced the Black Rage and overcame it. He represents something that the Blood Angels need more than anything else: Hope.
Roboute Guilliman
If Mephiston is hope then Guilliman is possibility. He’s a living Primarch. He walked with the Emperor. And he came back from the dead to lead the Imperium into and through the Indomitus Crusade. Guilliman, for all the crap folks like to give him, still represents the best of Space Marines. Plus he’s provided a way for Humanity to push back against the forces that are attempting to snuff them out. He is a living possibility for victory — or at least the best chance humanity has to survive the Grimdark.
Castellan Crowe
Imagine holding in your hand a weapon so powerful that it can slay just about any foe. That’s the Black Blade of Antwr. It’s a Daemon weapon that constantly whispers promises of power and tempts it’s wielder into unleashing the daemon within for a taste. And now imagine the battle of wills that ensues to NOT let that daemon out of the blade. That’s why Castellan Crowe is here. He represents the purity of a Space Marine. Crowe is an incorruptible warrior charged with handling the cursed blade and keeping it’s daemon in check.
The Emperor’s Champion
The Emperor’s Champion is unique on this list in that he’s really not special or unique at all. He’s actually just a “humble warrior plucked out of the ranks of the Black Templars by the divine will of the Emperor himself.” He’s a generic battle brother chosen to become the Champion of the Emperor of Mankind on the eve of battle. That means the Emperor’s Champion represents the potential of each and every Space Marine in the service of Mankind. He might get a fancy sword and armor as a part of this station — but every single Space Marine represents the Emperor in their service to humanity. The Emperor’s Champion is a physical reminder of that duty that each Space Marine is sworn to uphold.
Who do you think are the 5 best Space Marine heroes in all of the Grimdark?