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Warhammer 40K: Time To Start Planning For World Eaters

6 Minute Read
Dec 6 2022

After this past weekend I think it’s time to start planning for a new World Eaters army.

The Games Workshop reveals for the World Eaters has me pretty excited. Now that we have a better idea of what’s coming I think it might be time for me to start planning out my own World Eaters revamped army. I have a Pre-Heresy force already but I’ve been waiting patiently to kick off a 40k version and now is the time to prepare.

Goatboy shared some of his thoughts on the new models already. I’ll probably be working directly with him in planning stuff out. We also got that “leaked” version of the points. I don’t know how accurate those points are but it did have some of the names correct. That could be an older version but it doesn’t really matter — if those points are at least in the ballpark I can start to pencil in some options and go from there.

I’m going to build out a core of the army and then I’ll figure out which force org slot best fits later. I’m pretty old school with my list building so I like to start with 2-3 HQs, 2-3 Troops, and then sprinkle in other stuff from there. Anyhow, I know I want to run a lot of the new stuff. And I 100% want to have an Angron in this list. I’m basing my initial list off of those points regardless if they are real or not — So let’s start there.

World Eaters Army Plans

Lord of War

Angron – 360 points

Next up, I also want to run Kharn because…well, I’ve been waiting to use that model in a World Eaters army for far too long to skip on this opportunity. Plus, the idea of Kharn and Angron running around the tabletop causing problems together is wholesome to pass up — it’s like a father and son playing catch. If by playing catch you mean murdering their enemies with large, sharp objects…



Kharn – 140

The next HQ option is a tough one. Again, without knowing the full rules it’s kind of hard to gauge as I’m torn between one of the new Daemon Princes and a Lord Invocatus. I’m leaning toward the Lord Invocatus only because I have a Slaves to Darkness army for AoS which already has one of the new Daemon Princes included in it. But Daemon Princes are also a really cool kit…so I might add one at a later date. For now, I’m penciling in the Lord Invocatus.



Lord Invocatus – 160

That puts me at a point value of 660 so far. We’re a bit over 1/4 of the way there. Now comes the Troops! Right off the bat I know I want at least 2 units of 10 Berzerkers. So I’m budgeting that in right now.


10x Berzerkers – 220

10x Berzerkers – 220


That will shoot us up to 1100 points. Just over the 1/2 way mark and I haven’t added any wargear either. I’ll probably want a unit or two of Jakhals there just to soak hits or hold backfield objectives. I think they might be a good screen unit and I’m hoping they are worth their points. I’m going to pencil in two units of 15 — that’s 30 models total.


15 x Jakhals – 105

15 x Jakhals – 105

Now then…here’s where we can get a little crazy. I’m at 1310 points. I know I need to save some room for transports. However, I also know that there are still a few things I want to run in the “new” category. I’m a little mixed on the new Eightbound models as I’ve never really had any luck with Possessed. But I figure what the heck! I’ll add in a a full unit of 6 just because.



6x Eightbound – 240

These guys feel like they are just more punchy melee units in an already overloaded melee heavy army. I think that’s the point though. If I can overload my enemy with deadly targets to shoot at, something should get there to do the damage I need to them. Or I’ll get shot off the board…which, hey, welcome to 40k.

So here’s where another decision has to be made. I’m going back and forth between “all in on plan melee” and “I really need some long range armor popping options” in this list. Points-wise, I’m at 1550. And I still need points for wargear. On one hand I know I need to have some ranged threats. On the other, having a ranged option in this army feels wrong. Eh, screw it. Let’s go all in on melee! And there one kit I’ve been wanting to work in for a while now…

Heavy Support

Maulerfiend – 140


Yep! A Maulerfiend! Hey, more big models for them to shoot at, right? Now I need something to get my Berzerkers across the table. Time for two rhinos as taxi cabs for them.

Dedicated Transport

Chaos Rhino – 80

Chaos Rhino – 80

That put me at 1850 and gives me room in the points budget for wargear expenditures. I think I’m going to pause there as well because, hey, I still don’t know if the points are 100% accurate anyhow!

The List (For Now)

Lord of War

  • Angron – 360 points


  • Kharn – 140
  • Lord Invocatus – 160


  • 10x Berzerkers – 220
  • 10x Berzerkers – 220
  • 15 x Jakhals – 105
  • 15 x Jakhals – 105


  • 6x Eightbound – 240

Heavy Support

  • Maulerfiend – 140

Dedicated Transport

  • Chaos Rhino – 80
  • Chaos Rhino – 80

Points Total: 1850 + wargear budget

I think this list is a good start for me. While it’s not my first World Eater rodeo I am wanting to start from scratch. Will it be good? I dunno! It’s hard to even theory-hammer things out when you don’t have all the rules — so this could change drastically! Points-wise it all fits (ya know, if those points are indeed real) and I’ve gotten to add some models I definitely want to add to my collection regardless of how they perform on the tabletop. To me that’s important when I’m planning out a new army. I’ll probably make adjustments and cuts as I get more games in with it. It might be a lump of coal to start but that’s how you get a diamond…eventually.

Author: Adam Harrison
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