Warhammer: Two New ‘Gits’ Coming Soon

The Gobbos are invading the night before Christmas. Well, they are making plans to anyhow — we won’t see these two until next year.
The Red Gobbo is bringing some buddies to show off on Christmas Eve. These two Gits are for different games but cans still cause problems when they show up — at least for their opponents!
“The Squigboss is a mean new Hero for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, a master beasthandler who has survived months or even years wrangling his clan’s squigs. His mates no longer trust him – anyone who the squigs don’t fancy eating has got to be weird, right? – but he provides powerful boons to his toothsome charges by feeding them tasty shroom treats.”
The Squigboss
I like the masks on both of these models — it’s like gobbo version of Batman and Robin. Only, ya know…a gobbo and a squig. And in this case, “Robin” would totally just eat your face off. I wonder what all those mushrooms in his backpack are for. I also wonder if the Squigboss is going to bring some Squig-specific buffs to the tabletop. Imagine Squigs that had enough discipling to actually do what you need them to do. That’s scary.
On the other end of the spectrum is a Gobbo from Blood Bowl also making an appearance. This legend of the pitch is ready to leap ahead of the pack. Say hello to Scrappa Sorehead.
“This daredevil pogoer has been in the game of Blood Bowl for decades, a ball-carrying menace who brings a terrifyingly vertical element to the astrogranite. And he’s learned a trick or two – once per game he can soar like a light-fingered eagle and intercept a pass on a 2+.”
That’s quite the chance for a sneaky switcharoo! Opposing teams are going to have to be very mindful of going to the air with their passing game around Sorehead.
Both of these Gobbos will be available in 2023 which is just a few days away! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the Red Gobbo!
‘Twas the Gobbo Invasion before Christmas…