Age of Sigmar: Dawnbringer Previews – Relics of the Dawnbringers

Games Workshop is showing off more of the Dawnbringer Crusades bits. Today, it’s a look at some of the relics they bring with them.
The new Cities of Sigmar range is getting a massive update with the Dawnbringer Crusades. These crusades are marching off in the name of Sigmar and there are certainly some religious connotations for them. But did you know that not all followers of Sigmar show their devotion in the same way?
Seb Perbet: “The different cities bring with them all sorts of unusual religious ideas regarding Sigmar, emphasising various aspects of their god and how to worship him”, notes Seb. “Many of these cults find religious meaning in very different symbols – not just the classic hammer, but things such as anvils, the weather, broken weapons, and even battle debris.”
Dawnbringer Relics
Here we can see a collection of various doodads that will be coming with the Dawnbringers kits. On the top left we have some gargoyle-esque ironworks. GW did mention that these aren’t just typical statues but representations of real threats out in the Mortal Realms. It’s also neat to see some of the more macabre items floating around.
Moving to the right we can see more relics and icons. The broken sword is an interesting relic set in a box. We also get to see more symbols from one of the Sigmarite Cults — the Cult of the Wheel. I’m sure GW is going to dive into why the twin-tailed wheel has become a more prominent icon for these Sigmar Cultist. Some of their followers are so extreme they believe rolling wheels through mud to be sacrilegious. Which does beg the question posed by GW, “How are they going to get their Steam Tanks into battle, then?”
I’m not sure how that’s going to work out in the end. But I am looking forward to this army getting a refresh. I do have some concerns about it for game balance reasons and I’m curious to see how GW is going to tackle that. But that’s going to be answered in the future. For now, we’re just going to have to keep wondering how this army is going to look based on what we’ve seen so far.
Interesting looking relics. Now, about that artwork…