Age of Sigmar: New Chaos Warriors Finally Here

As a fan of the Chaos side of the house in Age of Sigmar I’m so excited about the new Chaos Warriors kit!
Games Workshop has been showing off the new Chaos Warriors for Age of Sigmar and today we’re getting a look at the sprues. I can’t wait to get these on the tabletop! But why am I so excited? Well other than getting new models, these are the first new Chaos Warriors that give us some options to build.
Chaos Warriors – A Quick History
I’m going to skip all the first series of metal Chaos Warriors. And even some of the early plastics. We’re going to jump right into the the era of the unit box of Chaos Warriors.
For a VERY long time this kit was the Chaos Warriors kit. It’s seen its fair share of time on the tabletop. This kit has been an iconic part of the range for such a long time that the newer versions need to be able to fit in with them still. We saw that when GW released the Start Collecting! Slaves to Darkness box a few years ago:
GW did a pretty darn good job of making new Chaos Warriors with more dynamic poses. And yet, they still looked like they would slot right into a unit of the old ones without disrupting the look too much. They struck a nice middle ground of new and old and didn’t make either look out of place. I was pretty pleased with their release.
We also got a nice little unit of the them with the Underworld’s Warband Khagra’s Ravagers. Again, I really liked how these models fit with the aesthetic without overshadowing the older models. They are new and dynamic but don’t make things out of place. It’s a trend we see culminate with the upcoming release.
Chaos Warriors – The New Blood
And here we have the upcoming Chaos Warriors. Again, the core of the unit is still there — heavy armor and shields. The helms are expressionless and intimidating. Their stances are squared-up like they are ready to take and receive hits. These warriors aren’t going to back down or back away.
We also see some new options from this kit. First up, we have halberds! This was always a bit of a sore spot with the old kit. You basically had hand weapon and shield or two hand weapons. And yes, there was a Forge World option for two-handed weapons but those looked a bit goofy as they were limited by the pose of the old kit. These new ones don’t have that limitation.
Additionally, we also see there’s a new musician as well as a new pair of banners that can be added to your Chaos Warrior units. On top of all that, we also have head swaps that include helmetless options.
Many of these bits are also interchangeable. According to GW:
“All nine weapons and runeshields work across the whole kit, and for the halberds, eight are swappable between bodies, while two are doublehanded affairs for specific warriors.”
The banner also has a couple of different topper options depending on which Chaos God you’re swearing allegiance to. Overall, I’m very pleased with this kit and all the options. I can’t wait to get my hands on it so I can see how they look standing next to my current batch of Chaos Warriors. I’m confident they are going to fit right in…providing I keep the weapon options the same.
Is this a late Christmas present or just really, really early?