Age of Sigmar: The Coming Stampede – What I Want to See in the Beasts of Chaos Battletome

The Beasts of Chaos are almost upon us, and there are a few goodies I’d like to see in their new bag of tricks.
Loyal followers of Chaos have been waiting a long time for the new Beasts of Chaos book. Their recent updates made them good, but they were still leaps and bounds behind more updated books. Well, at long last, our waiting is over, and the new Beasts of Chaos are heading to the realms. With a brand new plastic Beastlord, there are high hopes for an army to challenge the forces of Order, Death, and Destruction. With the dawn of Galletian Champions, it feels like the perfect time for an army of wild warriors led by their ferocious alphas. As a diehard Beasts fan (they were my second army ever), I have a few things I’d love to see in the new book, and I’m hoping Games Workshop can deliver.
Plastic Doombull
The Warherd section of the Beasts of Chaos is incredible, and best of all, the master of disaster himself, the mighty Doombull. They can do a metric busload of damage, have a surprising amount of durability, and their support abilities are off the charts. However, the current finecast model leaves a lot to be desired. Now, I know GW wants to keep heroes simple, so having a one-weapon Doombull makes sense, but there’s SO much flavor in being able to customize them. They should, in my opinion, be just as modular as the Bullgors they lead, letting them be optimized for defense, damage, or weight of attacks. After all, the deadliest of all the Doombulls wielded dual axes, and players may want to pay homage to him. Speaking of…
Return of Special Characters
I know this is a long shot, but I’d love to see some of the OG heroes return to the field of battle. Malagor, Ghorthor, Khazrak, and Taurox would significantly add to a stacked roster of Chaos heroes. Even one would be fun, and there’s already precedent for some of them to come back, chiefly Morghur. I realize this is unlikely but hey…I’m the guy that keeps asking for Malerion.
Plastic Shaggoth
As above, we need the big baddie in plastic so we can customize him. Dragon Ogors are already the most popular way to play Beasts (with good reason) so a plastic Shaggoth would just up their playability. Plus, that model is almost old enough to drink, so it’s high time for a new one. There’s so much potential for a cool model, so I don’t think this is a huge ask.
What do you want to see from the Beasts of Chaos?