Escape the Labyrinth of Hallowheart in ‘Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics’

In Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics you explore under the city of Hallowheart in order to defeat the minions of Chaos and Destruction.
The latest in the line of Warhammer Quest games, Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics pits the Stormcast Eternals against Magister Mondothir, a fearsome Tzeentchian sorcerer. The players will work through a series of 12 missions on their quest, battling undead and daemonic minions along the way.
How to Play Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics
Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics is a cooperative dungeon crawler for 1-4 players with dice-rolling combat mechanics. Each player controls a Stormcast Eternal with unique stats and abilities.
At the start of each round, players roll their 3 dice and place them in their Action Dice Spaces. Each dice is used to trigger an action, such as Move, Attack, Rest, and Interact. Each dice doesn’t need to be a certain value to trigger an action. However, using a higher-value die can trigger Inspired Actions.
Every action listed on a character card has a number associated with it. For example, Calthia’s Broadsword is 5+. If a 3 is used, for example, then the attack deals damage as listed on the left. But if the die is a 5+, then it does the right number. So, using higher-value dice can make actions more impactful!
After any player makes an action, the hostiles get to react by performing the actions listed on their card. Typically, a move, an attack, and a special action.
Players will also find treasure cards in the form of weapons or other relics to aid in their quest. These treasures can be very powerful and easily turn the tide of a difficult fight.
As with any cooperative game, teamwork is paramount in Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics. This is best exemplified by Action Chains.
If any player triggers an action with a die showing a 1, then another player may immediately trigger another action using a die showing 2. Then, another player with a die of 3, and so on up to 6. Well-timed Action Chains are a great way to get in a ton of damage without needing to worry about hostile reactions between each action of the chain.
Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics comes with 12 missions to play through, which tell the story of the characters traversing the dangerous labyrinth below the city of Hallowheart. Each mission has unique victory and defeat conditions, ranging from slaying a specific target before a turn limit, or preventing a roving band of Orks from destroying a precious relic.
Final Review
Warhammer Quest: Lost Relics has very streamlined combat and action economy. This is great for some, but veteran players may find it too simple. The Action Chains are a great way to keep players engaged even when it is not their turn. But overall, there is not a ton of combos or tricks to pull off.
If you’re looking for a quick and enjoyable game to play, maybe with the kids, this could easily be a hit for you.