Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Smoke In A Bottle

There’s a brand new Rumor Engine and someone’s letting the smoke out of a bottle. Anyone got any ideas for this one?
It’s once again Tuesday which means someone has fired up the Rumor Engine and provided us with a brand new image to peruse. This one is a strange little box with smoke coming out and we’re not quite sure what to make of it.
“Welcome back! Today’s Rumour Engine is sponsored by a cause very dear to our hearts – the Holy Synod of the Adeptus Ministorum. Remember, actual precognition of the future is for the Emperor’s eyes alone, so don’t forget to give yourself 77 penitent lashes after viewing today’s image!”
Well, there you have it. Are those the wisps of holy incense? Are the foul smells emanating from a mysterious jar? Did someone pull the cap off a highly pressurized system and now all the compressed contents are flooding out? To be fair…it could be all of those things. So who’s holding it?
My first guess is that it’s something to do with the Lumineth Realm-lords. The “smoke from an object” reminds me of the Scinari Cathallar. And the hand looks humanoid. It’s also got a band around the wrist — is it jewelry or a shirt cuff? I’m not entirely sure. The paint job on the jar is also interesting. It looks as if the paint has started to peel off. This jar must be pretty old. Also, the Lumineth don’t have a monopoly on objects with smoke…
Perhaps it’s from the humanoid followers of Slaanesh. Who knows what sort of smoke those folks are into. And it’s obvious they are a fan of opulence and jewelry, too.
And we haven’t even started to dabble in the Grimdark side of things. If you’ve got an idea we’d like to see it in the comment. Let us know why you think that as well. That’s the fun of the Rumor Engine!
Alright, who let the genie smoke out of the jar?