Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness – Heavy Intercessors!

I am thinking the new Heavy Intercessor might actually be pretty dang good in the upcoming Warhammer 40K environment.
Goatboy here and we are again looking at the crystal ball of upcoming Arks of Omen Matched play gameplay and what unit might be good. I should get some data next week just due to some events running it. Will see what comes out on top as people dust off some old collections, convert a ton of random plasma, and hope for the best with their armies.
Today I am thinking the new Space Marine Heavy Intercessor might actually be pretty dang good in the upcoming environment. I might be a bit of an expert on how powerful having an army full of 3 wound models can be. You mix this on top of all the rules bonus’s Marines got on this update as well as throw on a severe point drop and you got something scary to think about.
Heavy Intercessors are CHEAP!
First we’ll go with the big thing – the unit is now 23 points a model with all the upgrades at a nice fat 0. You can take these units for Iron Hands and they are toughness 5, 3 wounds, and can move and fire their Executor Bolt Rile on the move. That gun is 42” range, strength 5, AP -2, Damage 2 and heavy 1. Two of them in a 10-man unit can have an Executor Heavy Bolter too which is a double shot version of this gun with an extra pipe of damage. All of this for a very hard to shift unit.
They Are Tough, and Easy To Use
Think about all the other 3 wound models out there and how much of a pain this is going to be to shift off of a point. Or as they continue to move forward after gumming up an objective and laying down firepower. The only thing this unit is missing is some kind of melee weapon to have on them and let them dig themselves out of an assault if needed.
Will we see at least a unit or two just to hold the backfield? Maybe or at least a unit of 10 that can be combat squaded and run the backfield like some kind of middle manager. It feels like an interesting unit pushed heavily in this new Space Marine age of darkness.
The good thing is if you invest in getting some of these is that as they are Primaris and most likely the new version of their codex will be pushing this and other Gravis style army sets. So it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to have a few in your Space Marine toolbox. Of course you just have to find them and maybe see if they are on discount from all those sellers breaking apart that old Killteam box.
What do you think? Are you scared of Marines or are you going to join the party? Doesn’t everyone have a Marine army somewhere? Or are you going to slapchop your way to a finished set of the Emperor’s finest?