Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Meta Hotness – Lords of War are Back!

Goatboy here and let me tell you – the Lords of War are headed towards a tabletop near you! Get ready.
We continue to wait for the updates to roll out from GW – but I hear it will be any time now. Between a Dataslate, Points, Mission Pack, and most like an FAQ the Meta hotness isn’t really valid yet. So what does that mean for this article? Well lets pull out that crystal ball, grow our beards really long, and stare into the abyss to see future answers.
Hello Lords of War
I think one of the things that is going to get a big bump is the addition of Lords of War to the basic detachment for an army. This is huge as a lot of the time you couldn’t just add a big bad voodoo daddy to your list and had to throw in a CP draining detachment or hope your LoW was your armies Supreme Big Bad Commander.
Now – we don’t have too. That Super Heavy Aux also meant the choice lost out a lot of detachment rules which could have helped it. Sure you had Command Points you can burn on them – but missing a lot of them and most likely paying a bigger tax on that option made it hard to justify trying to take it. But now if your Codex has choices in it you can easily slot 1, 2, or even 3 of them.
Lords of War Winners
Astra Militarum
The armies that seem to benefit from them are those with a lot of LoW options. The new Astra Militarum book seems well suited to sell a few more Baneblade Chassis in the coming year. You want a super sweet tank to hang out with your new Rogal Dorn tank? Throw one in and watch ash you roll a crap ton of dakka dice at your enemy. All those Lord of Skulls I have sitting in my case suddenly seem more interesting when they get a Legion trait.
Chaos Marines
Things like Red Corsairs advance and charge becomes a very scary option just with the ability to advance and still shoot fully. A fully onboard and operational Lord of Skulls going 11-16” and unloading all of its firepower into something plus charging into your face seems pretty dang good. Heck Iron Warriors seem poised too with a ton of “damage reduction” options as well.
Mortarion and Magnus get easier to fit in and still have a ton of HQ options to be helpful. I expect the Detachment is going to be a big help to World Eaters as you can shove Angron in and have all your Jugger friends riding dirty as the HQ choices.
T’au Empire
I even thought some of the Tau stuff might benefit from a big Taunar option or Stormsurge. Just the ability to throw in a LoW into your army without having to worry about the rest of your choices either not working well with it or just causing you to drop in CP is huge.
Will Troops Matter?
As we wait for the new meta to shake out and articles going back to normal what do you think is going to benefit the most from the new Detachment and rules we’ve seen? I think a real danger will be the use for Troops. Is it going to be a game where Troops mean nothing or will we find a nice balance out of all of these “choices” that overpower them? IN any case, that’s something for GW to have to balance out next time.
~Happy gaming and dust off those giant models – you’ll be seeing more of them!