MTG: Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe – Three Tribes Making a Comeback

Elesh Norn wants everyone to be the same, but she may have woken up the wrong sleeping dragon.
Phyrexia: All Will Be One will be released in a couple of weeks, and it’s packed with snazzy new cards, wicked mechanics, and gorgeous art. While most of the set is brand new, eagle-eyed fans might have noticed a few old favorites making a return. Alongside power cards like “Phyrexian Arena” and “Thrill of Possibility” are a few forgotten tribes from old sets. Whether or not they see a ton of support remains to be seen, but it’s cool to see some older creature types get their day in the sun.
The small bird-nosed machines are almost synonymous with Mirrodin, so it makes perfect sense they’re back in force. The tiny creatures were created by the golem Memnarch to be his eyes and ears across the plane. Over time, they adapted themselves to a variety of tasks, and they added utility, ramp, and power to tons of artifact decks. All Will Be One not only gives us a handful of new variants, but also the first Myr Legend, Urtet. His incredible utility is going to make him a top chase card in the new set. I’m excited to see how Urtet and his comrades fit into the greater story, and which side (if any) they choose to support. If nothing else, Myr Tribal commander is now a lot easier.
While newer players may not know how exciting this is, veterans like me are probably ecstatic to see the Rebel creature type return. In older editions, the Rebels like Lin Sivvi and Cho-Manno were powerful cards that let you dig for reinforcements. Rebels could fill the board with alarming speed, giving you a fast, strong army for a relatively small investment. In All Will Be One, the Rebels are turned up to eleven with tons of token generation and attack power. Combined with the new “For Mirrodin” mechanic, a Mirran answer to Living Weapon, Rebels are back in a big way. If someone needs to stand up to Elesh Norn, Jor Kadeen and his warriors are the ones to do it.
In all fairness, Rats never really went anywhere, but this set brings them back in a big way. With new ways to utilize your army of little rodents, not to mention a new Commander, there’s never been a better time to make a sewer deck. Karumonix digs for Rats, gives them the new Toxic mechanic, and dishes out poison of his own. With the other Phyrexian rodents in the set, you’ll have your opponent clawing at the walls in no time.
Are you excited about any of these tribes?