Star Wars: Shatterpoint Box Contents Explored

Atomic Mass Games answered the question “what’s in the box?” for Star Wars: Shatterpoint!
Star Wars: Shatterpoint is the new miniatures skirmish game coming soon from Atomic Mass Games. We still don’t have a ton of detail on the game itself but we’ve gotten to see the two factions painted up already from AMG.
They look pretty fantastic! However, these minis aren’t the only things in the new starter box and AMG showcased the rest!
You can watch the video for all the juicy details but here’s a quick rundown:
We’ve got tokens!
We’ve got the core rules — which look a lot like the MCP core rules book (at least in style and thickness).
There’s Shatterpoint Terrain included in the box! Looks like two bags worth — which is enough to get you started.
Oh lookie-lookie! Shatterpoint dice. We’ve got a mix of D6s and D8s all of which have custom sides…
There’s a new “struggle tracker” which is a sort of victory point system for the game.
There are cubes that are used to denote the scores/struggle points. If you can manage to move the clear cube all the way over to one side you win. There’s more to the missions and victory coming in a later article…
And there’s all the cards you need to play the game. Let’s see…I think we’re missing something…I can’t put my finger on it. Oh, yeah. The MINIS!!!
Those are in there, too. In total there are 16 miniatures (as you can see from the painted ones above).
Now, there’s a LOT more info in the video above so give that a good watch. Minor spoiler alert here…
When it comes to squad composition, you CAN mix and match your squads. This is starting to sound a lot like MCP ( in a really good way). Oh, and did you think that was all?
If there was an award for best Squad Box title this one would win. One other thing to note is that this expansion does come with all the various rules for the different languages shown on the lower right. The Core Set’s languages are based on where you purchase the box.
And if you just need more Star Wars: Shatterpoint injected into your eyes then check out this longer form Terrain Painting session from AMG:
Shatterpoint is looking spicy!