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‘The Wizard, the Witch, & the Wild One’ – ‘Worlds Beyond Number’s First Campaign

2 Minute Read
Jan 10 2023

Worlds Beyond Number revealed their first campaign title earlier today, The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One, “an epic campaign.”

In other, much friendlier tabletop gaming news, the Worlds Beyond Number project, which if you missed it, is a new creative venture from some of the “titans of tabletop” streaming, that is Brennan Lee Mulligan, Aabria Iyengar, Lou Wilson, and Erika Ishii, designed by Taylor Moore at Fortunate Horse.

It’s one of the projects I’m most excited about in the coming year. And to start everything off, Worlds Beyond Number has promised to reveal details week by week as they approach launch day. Starting with today’s reveal, the title (and a bit more) about their first campaign.

Worlds Beyond Number – The Wizard, the Witch, and the Wild One

Along with a gorgeous poster and the tagline: “An open door is an invitation”, The Wizard, the Witch and the Wild One promises to be an epic campaign. Set in a “verdant, full-sized world,” the campaign will be led by its DM: Brennan Lee Mulligan.

It sounds just lovely:

We wanted our first story to feel like the perfect home game of D&D, a sprawling world scratched out on graph paper behind the DM screen, characters crafted and pored over with the excitement of a kid opening presents, and most of all: time. Free to adventure in a world of limitless possibility, this surging saga affords us the chance to spend time in these characters and to fully explore, and change, the world. We wanted the kind of game that keeps you and your friends coming back to the table, not for weeks, but for years. We think we got it.

It’s a critical hit right in the nostalgia bone. And the cast has already put tremendous work into their first campaign. To create their characters, they played through an entire Level 0 campaign that linked every aspect of character creation to the meeting of the party.

Scenes from this “Children’s Adventure” will be available in February, at first on their Patreon, then a week later for the public, with the entirety of the campaign available later for the project’s patrons.


And most of all, Worlds Beyond Number promises to explore beyond even this campaign:

“Oh and don’t despair that an epic campaign means you won’t be hearing other games, systems, and worlds from us in the meantime. You will, sweet child, oh how you will.”

Stay tuned!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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