This Bender Closet Cosplay is a Lot Like Yours, Only More Interesting ‘Cause it Involves Robots.

Be named Successor with a snazzy, swaggery Bender closet cosplay from Futurama!
The BoLS staff went out for some amazing Chinese food in Austin last week, and we spent many minutes pondering over a giant tin foil…THING on the bartop. After considering for some time, we realized that this was a head- the head of Bender. This week’s closet cosplay was inspired by that amazing, super simple Bender head of tin foil. Shenanigans ensue below!
I didn’t watch Futurama religiously, but it was obvious to me that Bender is the most scathing, hilarious character. He has the best one-liners and hijinks around. I thought it would be fun to put together something silly and fun for a Bender closet cosplay, so here we go!
Bender Closet Cosplay: Aluminum Foil
The item that inspired this article. Tin foil, also known as aluminum foil, gives the cosplay the shiny appearance of metal without the weight or expense, or upper-level craft skills. Buy a box of this (or more), and you’re set for Bender!
Bender Closet Cosplay: Boxes
That’s right, folks. We’re going BASIC this week. Take any box in your closet, cut a hole for your head, and two for the arms, and you have a super simple, low-cost method of building a robot body. If you want to be REALLY extra, you can cut a window/door into the chest panel of the box, creating the stomach cavity locker Bender so famously uses.
Bender Closet Cosplay: A Cigar
Everybody loves a good prop, especially one that’s tasty! If you aren’t a real cigar smoker (in a place where you have permission to use them), a chocolate cigar is a tasty alternative that will bring smiles to people’s faces. If you get a box of them, you have something fun to hand out to the right people at events!
Bender Closet Cosplay: The Whiskey Bottle
Another prop that elevates this cosplay. If you have an empty bottle, you can create a fun fake whiskey label and fill the bottle with some food-colored liquid to simulate the whiskey (unless you’re at an adult-friendly party that allows the real thing!)
Bender Closet Cosplay: Fake Fur Coat
Bender isn’t exactly a subtle creature… so here’s an option to take him to the next level of EXTRA. A fur coat will give you something dramatic to flounce around in and will make for some excellent pictures on top of it. Enjoy!
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy more chocolate cigars and whiskey.
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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