Warhammer 40K: 5 Things We Want From 2023

What we want out of Warhammer 40k in the coming year isn’t all on the tabletop.
2022 is a wrap, and what a year for 40K it’s been. 2021 was in many ways the year that 40K really went mainstream with national news and big stars talking about it. But 2022 took it to a whole new level with continued coverage and a major Amazon deal. 2022 was also a year where things were for the most part back to normal in the event scene with people able to travel and play after the pandemic. We got a lot of new books and fun stuff, but now it’s time to look forward to the year ahead of us.
5. Arks of Omens To Shake Up The Competitive Scene
Arks of Omens is coming soon and it seems set to bring some major changes to the game. We know there is a new detachment coming and a lot of new rules. Now I think its always good for the competitive scene to get a major shake up every now and then. We also know there are major changes beyond just the detachment. My hope is that we will see the year start with the scene really shaken up and everyone getting to readjust to a new way to play the game. I hope its a real shake up and not just a minor blip.
4. World Eaters
Man it seems like World Eaters were announced a long, long time ago. Yet here we are without the book and still only hints and peeks. Now it should be coming pretty soon, and I can’t wait for it. It should be the last real 9th Edition Codex and I’m ready to see what it has to bring to the table. If for no other reason than to see another Primarch hit the tabletop. That’s four down, fourteen to go.
3. 10th Edition
Speaking of the last 9th Edition Codex, the Codex cycle is pretty much complete at this point. The last two books, Imperial Guard and World Eaters are on the slate and we don’t have anything beyond Arks of Omens coming up. I really hope that means we are getting 10th Edition this year. I think 9th is pretty played out at this point and a bit of a mess rules-wise. The game really needs a major reset, as much as that sucks for the brand new books. Arks of Omen has all the hallmarks of an edition ending event, so here is hoping.
2. Something to Happen With the Aeldari
This is another one I’ve been wanting for years. 7th Edition saw a huge advancement in Aeldari lore, with the return of Harlequins as a real faction and the introduction of the Ynnari and their massive story potential. Then…. all of that went nowhere. In the years since, the Ynnari plot basically hasn’t advanced at all, at most getting some minor lip service in Psychic Awakening.
Though 2022 saw a new large combined Aeldari book, it really didn’t do much to expand the lore or move the story forward. The Ynnari still feel like an afterthought. We did get new models and updated models, thank the Gods, but not really any of the forward movement the faction needs.
1. More News About The Amazon Deal
2022 ended with the mother of all 40K news. GW, Amazon and Henry Cavill are teaming up to make 40K (GW?) content. This is amazing news. It’s also pretty vague. We could be getting movies or shows or both. We don’t have any story details or news about when these things could be coming out. Hopefully in 2023 we will start to get more news on this. I doubt we will see a show this year or even next, since pre-production hasn’t even started, but I do think its likely we could get some real news about what this all means this year, and that is exciting!
Let us know what you want to see from this year, down in the comments!