Warhammer 40K: 5 Units Built For Boarding Actions

There are many, many viable options for Boarding Action forces. But these 5 units are going to be ones to look out for.
If you’re looking to jump into the Boarding Actions for Warhammer 40,000 coming with the Arks of Omen then you’re probably aware that there are some rules tweaks and list building restrictions to be mindful of. GW also had some tips on how to play the game learned from the fires of combat. With all that in mind we pulled together 5 units/unit types we think are going to be really good options to use/look out for when playing games of Boarding Actions.
#1 – Psykers
Lots of armies will have viable psykers in their HQ slots. Some can get some in the Elites. Where ever you can fit a unit that has access to psychic powers you’re going to want to do that. Smite alone is going to be worth using as often as possible — you’re just going to have to see the targets. Watch out for cheap psykers as that allows for even more bodies on the field.
#2 Dirt Cheap Troops
Gaunts, Guardsmen, and Grots baby! This is your time to shine. If your army has access to dirt cheap troops you’re in luck with Boarding Actions. They might be be super killy, but you’re going to need bodies to take objectives in these games. A couple of cheap Troops that can scurry around the board and claim objectives is exactly what the doctor ordered. And hey, if they can harass the enemy with fire at the same time or clog up your enemy shots/line of sight/choke points even better. Send in the cannon fodder.
#3 Terminators
The OG Space Hulk clearing unit Terminators are uniquely positioned for games of Arks of Omen. They have multiple wounds, great armor saves, and can put out a fair amount of firepower in both the shooting and melee portions of the game. The downside is they are expensive. So they pair very nicely with those cheap troop units from above. If your army doesn’t have access to terminators directly you’ve probably got something similar. You’re looking for tougher units that have 3-4 wounds each (and still fit within the restrictions of Boarding Action games). You won’t be able to go all-in with them if you want to claim objectives but a handful might be all you really need.
#4 Melee Focused Units
Berzerkers and Genestealer fans — this game mode is your chance to do what you do best. If you’ve been annoyed by the shooting gallery of a wide open tabletop then you’re going to love the tight corridors of Boarding Actions with these units. Thanks to the line of sight changes and targeting restrictions the odds are good you’re going to be able to close that gap and get into close combat a bit more reliably. Keep an eye out for units that dump buckets of attacks on targets to really shine in Boarding Actions. Just don’t leave the chaff out of the list…
#5 Allies
If you were looking at the unit suggestions above and were thinking “well I can do some of those but I don’t have access to ‘X’ unit option” then it’s time to think outside your list. Boarding Actions do support limited ally options and those can be the perfect direction to go if you need to fill a gap. Don’t have access to a good Psyker? Bring a buddy from another army who’s more in touch with their Warp side. Need cheap bodies for your Elite army? There’s lots of cheap troops when you open up your options to friendly armies.
The point is you’ll be able to find and cherry pick the right unit if you look for one in your allies section. Don’t forget to phone a friend.
We couldn’t cover them all — what are some off-meta choices you think are going to shine in Boarding Action games?