Warhammer 40K: World Eaters Send In The Jakhals

The Jakhals are the new World Eaters chaff unit but they will do some threshing of their own.
If you’re looking for some good points-filler for your World Eaters you’ve got a few options. You could bring in some daemon allies like Khorne dogs and Bloodletters. Or you could stick to the World Eaters codex and send in your own version of chaos cultists with the new Jakhals unit.
The Jakhals emulate the World Eaters in many ways — all without the benefits of being a Heretic Space Marine. That means no power armor, no genetic enhancements, no geneseed, and no extra training. Instead they get practical experience by ripping and tearing their foes on the battlefield. It’s on the job training…and if you survive you’re up for a promotion.
Well, that’s not entirely true. They don’t get promotions. But they do get stimms. Those tanks on their backs are fueled up with questionable chemical mixtures that amp up their ferocity. Oh and they each come with 8 drops of pure World Eaters Blood mixed in.
In game these stimms allow the Jakhals to get some extra juice. Sure, a few of them might not make it…but the rest of them will swing extra hard. Gee…where have we seen a villian with a mask and a chemical mix that juices up their strength before…
Anyhow…these Jakhals are a fantastic shock troop for the World Eaters. They will go toe-to-toe with most other troops in the game in terms of melee abilities and if they kill them or die in the process their job will be done.
They are there to help generate Blood Tithe Points one way or another. Throw them in the front, let them screen and either they make it to the enemy and cause problems or they die — in which case that means the enemy used resources on them and not another target and they’ve generated those BTP.
The enemy really can’t ignore them no matter how you slice it. Plus, there’s even heavier hitters in their ranks, too. Like the Dishounoured who pack the ever intimidating Skullsmasher:
Even if they are swinging with strength 4 attacks, that -2 AP and 2 Damage is something a standard Space Marine can’t ignore!
The World Eaters codex is coming soon. Sound the call for your Jakhals. The Blood Tithe is must be paid.