Warhammer Preview Online: LVO 2023 – Adeptus Arbites Kill Team Previews

Kill Team is getting a new box with some awesome new Adeptus Arbites as well as some Drukhari upgrades. Send in the Doggo!
Look, you saw the Cyber Mastiff and clicked. I did, too. So let’s stop stalling and get to the good stuff, shall we?!
Kill Team – Adeptus Arbites, Doggo Edition
I know there’s a lot of excitement about Arbites coming to 40k for the first time in years. I get it. But don’t hold your breath for a full Arbites Army anytime soon. These guys are space cops and not a full military fighting force. While the idea would be cool, it also doesn’t really fit into large scale 40k. That said, they are a perfect fit for Kill Team! A skirmish sized force makes a lot of sense and this unit is presented as an “Exaction Squad” who’s job is to scour the Gallowdark looking for an escaped prisoner. They might not make it back but they don’t care — they are the embodiment of Imperial Law and are sworn to uphold it.
Man. Now I DO want a full Arbites army. Oh well.
They are pitted against the Drukhari which is really just the Kabalite Warriors box but with some extras. Nothing wrong with that! That box is already loaded with options and an additional sprue of goodies will help you customize that Kill Team even further.
Your first crack at these miniatures comes in the form of the Soulshackle boxed set. The box also includes even more terrain!
Note the Breached Wall on the lower left and the cool halo-table! Now you just need to get really meta and make your Kill Team table look like the halo-table setup…
Both of these Kill Teams will be released later individually but don’t wait to get your hands on that Cyber-Mastiff! He’s the best boy!!!
You can’t beat Grimdark pets. You just can’t.