40 Years of Warhammer: Miniature Retrospective – Chaos Renegade

Games Workshop is celebrating 40 years of Warhammer and it’s time for the very first Chaos Renegade to shine!
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Warhammer and Games Workshop is taking some time to look back at miniatures that had a big impact on their work. Today we’re getting a plasma-blast from the past with the very first Chaos Space Marine.
“This terrifying specimen is an early incarnation of the now-ubiquitous Chaos Space Marine. Twisted by the ruinous powers, the Chaos Renegade wore similar armour, but with strange organic shapes, horns, and weapons fused directly into their flesh.”
Fun fact, apparently this Chaos Renegade’s original name was “Plasma Hand” which seems fitting. It’s neat to see the original designs for the plasma gun and the iconic chainsword in this model’s appearance. Also, that backpack design is something that still gets nods from the current Chaos Marine range.
At the time this model was created there wasn’t the same lore and history out there. GW was still making all of that up! The Horus Heresy was a distant saga yet to be written.
“The civil war that would become the heresy was briefly outlined in one of the first ever Warhammer 40,000 supplements known as Chapter Approved – The Book of the Astronomicon. This early appetiser was fleshed out a few months later in the original version of Adeptus Titanicus and the Slaves to Darkness supplement – you can find out more here. Slowly but surely, the Chaos Renegades were becoming the Heretic Astartes we know today. “
We actually did a pair of videos on the Chapter Approved – The Book of the Astronomicon. Man…those videos feel like forever ago just like this model!
Plasma Hand, we salute you. Thanks for paving the way for the rest of the traitor legions in Warhammer 40,000!