40 Years of Warhammer: Miniature Retrospective – Grom the Paunch

Games Workshop is celebrating 40 years of Warhammer and it’s one girthy goblin grabbing the attention today.
This year marks the 40th anniversary of Warhammer and Games Workshop is taking some time to look back at miniatures that had a big impact on their work. Grom the Paunch is under the spotlight. This goblin is considered to be one of the very first special characters in all of Warhammer. And what an impact he made on the game!
“This super-sized goblin was a superb metal miniature, but many people first saw him as a cardboard cut-out in the starter set for the fourth edition of Warhammer Fantasy. He led many a horde of monopose goblin spearmen in two dimensions against the haughty High Elves of Ulthuan.”
It’s fitting that this model also paved the way for a few other things. For example, this model is being pulled in a chariot with a pack of three wolves. He’s also got his standard bearer Niblet with him as well. Fun fact – that’s where the name of Niblet Green comes from.
Chariots have also got a lot to thank Grom the Paunch for. It’s a classic weapon of war for a reason and we still see them being used by armies in the Mortal Realms today. It’s also worth noting the long standing relationship of the gobbos and wolves — something that we recently saw renewed thanks to the new wolf riders.
If you’re curious about the lore of this mighty goblin warlord you can always pop over to the Lexicanum to learn about his history. If nothing else it’s a really good reason to avoid eating undercooked troll meat.
Here’s to Grom the Paunch. I’m gonna go eat a sandwich in your honor.