Age of Sigmar: Free Rules For The Warcry Sundered Fate Warbands

The Jade Obelisk and Hunters of of Huanchi are both getting free warscrolls for use in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. But are they good?
Games Workshop has released free warscrolls for the two warbands in Warcry: Sundered Fate. One is a dark cult working for the Disciples of Tzeentch while the other warband is the guardian of mysterious ruins in the Gnarlwood. Both of them have some dirty tricks to pull.
Jade Obelisk Warband
“Tzeentchian cultists with a penchant for defacing the idols of their enemies, the Jade Obelisk hail from the great jade citadel of Nephricar. These poor souls were abandoned by Sigmar during the Age of Chaos and fell prey to an enigmatic entity known as the Speaker in the Stone.”
Clocking in with a unit size of 10, you’re basically running a priest, a pair of Antithete Bows with Jade Daggers, an Idolarc, and then a whole bunch of Mason’s tools for 145 points. This unit does have a pair of good special rules that could make them handy in a Disciples of Tzeentch army. First up, their Stone-cursed Resolve allows for an unmodifiable 4+ save vs attacks.
That 50/50 shot to save is going to make these 1 wound models a but heartier than they should be versus hard hitting units with high rend. That can make them a very effective screen. Their other ability Cast Down the Idols also gives them access to the Smash To Rubble monstrous ramage. Taking out faction terrain can be pretty useful!
You can download their Warscroll HERE. You have to ask if this unit brings anything to the tabletop that Disciples of Tzeentch needs — or other Chaos factions that can slot them in. The attacks profiles are fine but it’s not anything crazy that propels them super high up. What makes them unique are their two abilities. Those could be useful. Are they 145 points useful? Maybe in a mortal themed list for Disciples of Tzeentch.
Hunters of Huanchi Warband
“The Chameleon Skinks of the Hunters of Huanchi are fragile but slippery skirmishers who are particularly tough to pin down. When the giant void-ship Eye of Chotec crashed into Ghur, its Saurus and Kroxigor spawning pools were damaged beyond repair, leaving this resourceful warband to defend the Old Ones’ treasures.”
This warband is actually 3 units in one! First we have the Dartpipe version. This unit of 5 chameleon skinks are rocking those pesky Dartpipes which will do some work. They get 2 shots each which are 3+/3+ attacks at 1 damage. However, unmodified 6s to hit cause a mortal wound instantly. They are also really hard to shoot back with their Perfect Mimicry — they can’t be seen from enemy units more that 12″ away or while in cover! You’ve got to run this unit down if you want to remove it.
The other unit of 5 uses bolas, javelins, and clubs. They have less range and a different damage profile with their missile attacks. In exchange they are a bit more punchy in close combat. Still, I’d try to avoid getting them stuck in close-combat if I were using them. Their Starstone Bolas do have the potential to lower the targets hit rolls by 1 which could be a nice bonus. And they still have their Perfect Mimicry.
Both of these units also have their Chameleon Ambush ability which allows them to come in from Reserve. At least you’ll be able to get them in the ideal spot to mess with the enemy.
The final warscroll this unit breaks off into are the Terrawings. This unit has me the most interested because of their Nerve-shredding Screeches. This is essentially the same as the Monstrous Ability Roar except it doesn’t count as one and you roll vs their leadership. If you roll higher, then that unit cannot issue or recieve commands until the end of turn. They can also drop in within 3″ of a reserved unit of the Hunters of Huanchi.
Taken as a nice 1-2 combo this whole Warband has some nice debuff abilities and could function as a good harasser/support piece in your Seraphon army. That said, we don’t know what that book will look like in the summer and they aren’t battleline. Plus the whole group is kind of pricey for the points. I dunno if I would want to spend 300 points on skinks…I could see taking the two cheap options together for 165 points.
Download the Hunters of Huanchi Warscroll HERE.