Age of Sigmar: Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Pricing Breakdown

Games Workshop has a new Kharadron Overlord Vanguard Box on the way and we’re taking a look at how it’s price will breakdown!
The Kharadron Overlords are next on deck for a new Battletome. They are getting a new character with the Codewright and a new Vanguard Box for anyone looking to dabble with the Duardin Sky Pirates. Today, we’re taking a closer look at the contents of the Vanguard box and sorting out the savings you’ll get with it’s purchase.
Total Individual MSRP: $222
*Total Savings: $82
*The total savings is based on the Vanguard Box price point of $140. There is a price increase coming from Games Workshop in March. This may or maynot impact the pricing/savings not only for this Vanguard box but also the current boxes. Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you’ve been waiting to buy any of the Start Collecting! or Vanguard Boxes you might want to buy them this week.
As far as Kharadron Overlords go this is a good starting option for the army. With a new Battletome on the way with this box we won’t know exactly how these units will be impacted. However, all of the options in the box are going to find a use in a Kharadron Overlords army as they each check particular boxes. It’s hard to recommend if this box is worth getting multiple copies of because the rules changes are right around the corner.
Personally, I think one is a safe bet for now. If you’re looking to start KO you can’t really go wrong with this Vanguard box. Once you get your hands on the new Battletome and can start doing some army list crafting it will be very clear if a second Admiral, Frigate, and/or Endrinriggers will be useful. More Arkanaut Company is hard to argue against (up to a point).
The new Kharadron Overlords Vanguard Box is coming to pre-order this weekend and you might want to act fast before the price increase hits.