Age of Sigmar: Three Reasons You’ll Want the New Warcry Bloodhunt Box

The battlefields of Ghur are about to get a little classier thanks to the Warcry Bloodhunt set. Just watch out for the Khornate fleas.
The newest addition to the Warcry game, Bloodhunt, will be up for preorder this weekend. Packed with all the goodies we’ve come to expect from the update boxes, it’s full of gorgeous models and dynamic terrain. But is it worth picking up? In my opinion, definitely, and there are three good reasons why you’ll want to add it to your collection.
New Terrain
Continuing on the bamboo theme of the last box, Bloodhunt provides players with some brand-new fortified options for their table. While the previous set looked more like a domicile, this one looks more like a forward war camp, complete with defended positions and thick barricades. Whichever warband lays claim to this site will definitely be hard to shift. No wonder both squads have their eyes on it; honestly, the little boy at my heart that wanted an Ewok-style treehouse is super jealous. Let’s just hope the Scions of the Flame stay far away; I doubt it would hold up to any sort of fire.
Samurai Vampires
Bringing a touch of refinement to the brutal battlefields of Ghur, we have the esoteric warriors of the Askurgan Trueblades. These samurai vampires (Sampires? Vampuri?) have a unique approach to combat, controlling their bestial nature with supreme focus. However, this doesn’t diminish their undead prowess, and they’re just as deadly as their less devoted kin. Rocking awesome weapons that would make even the most devoted Shaolin monk blush and stylish lamellar armor, the bring a twisted nobility to the otherwise feral Ghurish landscape. Of course, not all their ranks are successful at controlling their inner beast. It matters little; the Askurgan warriors will unleash their bestial kin all the same.
Hunters of Khorne
On the other side of that coin are the wild warriors of the Claws of Karnak. These Khornate warriors are almost more beast than man, and they hunt their enemies for the glory of their namesake. Where the Askurgan are devoted, skilled warriors, the Claws are deadly brawlers that are just as likely to tear their enemy to shreds with their bare hands as cross blades. Of course, Khorne cares not from where the blood flows, and these guys are experts at exsanguination. They are what happens when you take the Untamed Beasts, the Iron Golems, a little Khorne, and a LOT of flea powder, and mix them all together. I just hope they’re up to date on their meds; I’d hate to see what a Ghurish tick looks like, especially one filled with Khornate blood.
Will you be picking up this box?