By the Throne, Check Out This Earthshaking 40K Canoness Cosplay

There’s divine inspiration at work in the empire of man, thanks to the prayers of a Canoness cosplay.
The Warhammer 40k universe is full of dynamic cosplays from every faction. We’ve featured the best of Warhammer 40k cosplays over the years, and we’re back again for another inspired take on the Empire of Man. With piety comes precision, and that’s definitely the case with this Canoness cosplay!
The Sisters of Battle have many orders and are a small part of the Empire of Man. Through many legions and battlefields, their faith uplifts those around them. So too, has NoName Cosplay prayed over her fallen comrades at recent events. We’ve taken a peak into the on-site shenanigans of Iron Warrior Cosplay, David Roth-Exeter Cosplay, Ranger of Krieg Cosplay, and NoName Cosplay at Gamescon Southwest!
Canoness Cosplay, with permission by NoName Cosplay, Images by Shootingcosplayers

Warhammer 40k Cosplays by NoName Cosplay, Iron Warrior Cosplay, and David Roth Exeter Cosplay, and Ranger of Krieg Cosplay. Images by Shootingcosplayers

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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