Circus Freaks, Beatniks, & Power-Armored Nuns – ‘Winter of Atom’s New Factions Are as ‘Fallout’ RPG as It Gets

A peek inside the upcoming Fallout RPG campaign book, Winter of Atom, reveals three new factions that are about as Fallout as it gets.
Modiphius’ Fallout RPG brings roleplaying to the wasteland. And not just any wasteland, but the wasteland of Fallout 4, specifically. Yes, that’s right, the game that tried—and failed—to contain the Final Pam. Home of Preston Garvey who has something extremely important to say every few minutes.
Set in The Commonwealth, the Fallout RPG does exactly what you’d expect. You play as folks just trying to contend with the harsh life that exists out in a Wasteland full of Deathclaws, Radscorpions, Super Mutants, and worse.
And now, a forthcoming expansion, Winter of Atom, introduces a new campaign and three new factions that feel like they’ve been ripped straight from the pre-Bethesda Fallout games.
Winter of Atom Introduces Three New Factions
In Winter of Atom, players will contend with the frozen whiteout of Atom’s winter. Winter in the Wasteland is an especially hard time. Moreso when you consider that there are apocalyptic doom cults who worship atomic bombs and want to set them off.
And now, as the Commonwealth settles in to contend with frozen roads and halted trade, the communities that dot its landscape come into focus. First up is a community known as Big Top.
As the name suggests, it’s home to circus performers. Specifically, a community of ghouls who call themselves the Freeques. They took up the identities of the circus freaks that came before them, and now they provide refuge for ghouls and disenfranchised synths. Torn between accepting help from the dangerous Children of Atom and dwindling supplies, Big Top is in need of heroes.
But so is Beatsville. This is a community that proves that subtlety has no place in Fallout. It’s a commune of beatniks who call themselves the Beats. And their goal is to see humanity flourish once again by spreading new art, music, and literature as far as possible. They can turn trash into treasure, but how will they fare against the winter?
Last but not least is Mechminster Abbey, home to the Sisters of the Forge. This is home to a group of nuns who are also all blacksmiths and mechanics. And if you’ve played Warhammer 40K at all, you’ve got the right mental image.
‘Winter of Atom’ releases later this year