D&D: Five Fantastic Abjuration Spells

Looking to protect your friends? Or yourself? Then you want abjuration magic. Here are five fantastic Abjuration Spells.
Abjuration spells are protective magic extraordinaire. The Abjuration school of magic concerns itself entirely with keeping spellcasters safe. From pretty much anything you can think of. Abjuration spells can prevent you from losing hit points, give you extra hit points, and keep people from getting close enough where they can cause you to lose hit points in the first place.
If you need protection, Abjuration spells are the way to go. And here are our five favorite Abjuration spells in D&D 5th Edition.
Let’s start with one of the best healing spells you can snag at early levels. Aid is the ounce of prevention that’s worth the pound of cure. With it, you give your targets (including yourself) an extra five hit points per level, increasing the hit point maximum of any affected creature at the same time. This is 5 extra hit points per spell level you spend, which can make a huge difference in any fight.
Especially since this spell lasts for 8 hours and doesn’t take Concentration. It’s just plain good fun.
Banishment, on the other hand, is a spell that might be the opposite of fun. Depending on how your DM views fun. With Banishment, you cast a foe off of the Prime Material Plane, either banishing it back home, or sending it to a pocket dimension.
This spell is one of the best 4th level spells in the game. Not only is it incredibly cool to just vanish an enemy for up to a minute. But it also lets you end fights. Banish a powerful target, and by the time the spell ends, everyone is waiting where the target is going to pop back in, holding actions for a massive beatdown. It’s crowd control, it lasts a while, and it will solve your problems.
Counterspell/Dispel Magic
Depending on when you like to cancel the DM’s spells, Counterspell or Dispel Magic is the spell for you. It allows anyone who has them to single-handedly deal with the consequences of enemy spellcasters. Counterspell takes your reaction, sure, but it stops spells before they start. But Dispel is great for getting rid of those spells cast either outside of your range or in secret.
Death Ward
Has everything gone wrong? Are you facing a total party kill? Well, with Death Ward, you can die and it won’t take. This spell also lasts 8 hours, and it prevents you from dying the first time you’d die otherwise.
But for Abjuration spells, it doesn’t get more Abjuration than Shield. This is easily one of the best first-level spells in the game. Shield allows you to cancel every attack against you (just about) and all it takes is a reaction. It also shuts down Magic Mssile. What more do you want?
Happy Adventuring! What are your favorite abjuration spells?