D&D: Five Monsters To Go With A Mimic

The best monsters don’t look like monsters until it’s too late. Here are five monsters that look like other things.
We all know Mimics are the best monster because they can be anything. You go for a treasure chest? That’s a mimic. Open the door? Also a mimic. Heck, even the room you’re in is probably a mimic. How do you know you’re not one?!
But D&D has a long history of monsters that look like other things. Here are the five best monsters to accompany your next mimic spree. When you want everything to be a potential enemy, these are the D&D monster mimics for you.
If you can never tell stalagmites from stalactites, just remember: that stalagMIGHT be a Roper if it’s on the ground. These monsters are hungry and will pull you in with their snaking tendrils. Why not have a mimic waiting in a cavern full of Ropers?
And remember, Piercers hang on stalacTIGHT to the ceiling. Where they then wait for you to wander beneath so they can drop on your head. After that, they’re not much of a threat. They’ll bite you if you get close. So make sure to use a lot of them. Maybe they live symbiotically with your mimic colony.
Was that a leather cloak hanging on a wall? WRONG! It was a Cloaker. You absolute rube. These monsters look like leather cloaks and then they unfurl into flying, strangling evil manta rays that transfer half the damage they take to the creature they’re attached to.
Galeb Duhr
Was that a rock? NOPE! It’s a Galeb Duhr. These rock monsters roll around, slamming into creatures. Making them the perfect candidate to hide out among your mimics, Ropers, and Piercers. They can also animate boulders! Even the regular rocks are rock monsters!
Hoard Scarab
Introduced in Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, Hoard Scarabs are the perfect monster. After the fighting’s done and everyone has let down their guard…your gold coins come to life and start biting you.
What are your favorite monsters that look like other things?