D&D: Five Spells for Getting Freaky

Look sometimes you just need to let your inner freak be your outer freak. These five D&D freaky spells will help you do that.
We don’t judge here at BoLS, except for all the times we do. Aeldari are good, Chaos is underpowered, 4th Edition is good, and capitalism is bad. The list goes on and on. But what we won’t do is judge you for using one of these five spells that will make you just a bit freaky. In the sense that being a being of cosmic horror is kind of freaky.
Arms of Hadar
This spell causes tendrils of dark energy to erupt from your body. It’s entry-level freak, sure, but we all have to start somewhere. And when you cast this spell, you’ll leave your foes unable to react. Dazzled, terrified at the all-devouring energy you’ve unleashed, who can say, really?
This spell lets you tick an object away in an extradimensional space. Which isn’t too freaky at first glance. But the name of the spell is Wristpocket. This means that extradimensional space is definitely inside your wrist. Putting extradimensional spaces inside your own body is fine, just be careful about doing that to someone else.
Hunger of Hadar
And we’re back to Hadar. Which makes sense. Hadar is one of the 13 baleful stars out of D&D 4th Edition. It was a hungering star that would consume everything if it could. Here you tap into a part of that, opening a gateway to a void that… well. It’s filled with a “cacophony of soft whispers and slurping noises that can be heard up to 30 feet away.” So.
This spell creates a 10×10 foot area of extremely slippery grease. No further comments, your honor.
Finally, a humble cantrip. But this one summons a swarm of parasites to appear on your target. Which is pretty creepy.
What a fun time, now YOU can be an eldritch abomination from beyond the stars