D&D Movie Tie-In Miniatures From WizKids Up For Pre-Order

Of course there’s a box of D&D movie tie in miniatures. WizKids’ Honor Among Thieves miniatures are up for pre-order now.
It is a truth, universally acknowledged, that a movie lives and dies, not by its box office returns. But by its merchandise. Take the highest grossing box office movie, and all that money pales in comparison to the merchandising moola. It flows like a tide. An unstoppable testament to capitalism.
Licensed merchandise is a multibillion dollar industry. It doesn’t matter if a movie is good. Or bad. All that matters is, are its characters lovable enough to sell as toys.
Avatar: Way of the Water eat your heart out. All must bow before the unstoppable might of merchandising. Obviously, Hasbro, makers of Transformers, GI Joe, and more, are going to be trying to cash in. Especially since they consider D&D “under-monetized” in spite of their best interests. So of course there’s a movie-tie in miniatures boxed set. But what’s surprising is that they look unexpectedly cool.
Icons of the Realms: Honor Among Thieves Movie Tie In Monsters Boxed Set – $39.99
These Honor Among Thieves miniatures look straight out of the trailer. In this set, you’ll find a collection of pre-painted miniatures, including an Owlbear, Gelatinous Cube, Displacer Beast, Mimic, and the newly revealed Intellect Devourer.
Each one of these miniatures reflects its movie counterpart. Which is why we have a snowy owlbear here.
We also get up close and personal with a displacer beast that looks surprisingly “shiny” all things considered.
Then there’s the Gelatinous Cube, which is currently in the process of feasting on a couple of other adventurers. Is this a stealth Chris Pine mini pre-order as well? Perhaps so.
Then, of course, there’s the excellent Mimic mini. It looks much more “organic” than the other mimic miniatures out there. Right down to the wood grain and the gross, sticky gums that extrude fangs.
You can see them all in action in the official trailer, here:
They’re up for pre-order right now!