Horus Heresy: ‘Infernus Abomination’ Introduced And Heads Will Roll

Games Workshop has introduced the proto-mutilator for the Horus Heresy along with two new character head upgrade packs.
The Horus Heresy is still chugging along and more units are being introduced. Today we’re getting a look at a new type of “Inhuman Assassin” with the terrifying Infernus Abomination.
“Very few know the true form of these shapeshifting executioners, perceiving only a roiling darkness. As they pursue their prey, the Wraithskin suits they wear override their neural impulses, tearing muscles and breaking bones, pushing the wearer beyond human limits to become the perfect killer.”
Sounds cool so far. What really makes me think this is a proto-mutilator is the Transmutative Armaments. These adaptative weapons can transform into the the weapon that their target fears the most. Basically, choose the right tool for the job and take them to task.
This is a concept we know works because it’s been in 40k for so long. The model looks neat and this type of adaptability can be useful on the tabletop. The Infernus Abomination will be a new Forge World option cast in resin coming soon.
More Character For Your Space Marine Heads
Games Workshop is also introducing two more upgrade packs for your Space Marines out there. These helmetless options are perfect for spicing up your characters and making their heads more unique-looking.
These two packs have a ton of different hair styles, facial expressions, and facial hair. You can really go nuts with all of these expressive Space Marine faces. Heck, even if you’re not playing Horus Heresy these could be used with the Space Marines in 40k just fine…
The Character Heads Upgrade sets will also be up for order from Forge World and will be cast in resin as well. Keep an eye out for all three products soon.
Heads will roll!