Horus Heresy: Sicaran Venator Preview

The Horus Heresy Era Sicaran is getting a massive laser in this gunned-up variant. Meet the Sicaran Venator!
When it comes to weapon platforms that can fill a lot of roles the Sicaran should be high up there for the Horus Heresy. Well today we’re getting yet another variant to the list for this versatile chassis. This one’s packing one massive punch!
“With its smaller profile and souped-up engine, the stock Sicaran nips in behind enemy war machines to get to their vulnerable bits. The Venator takes tank-hunting to the next level, replacing the standard issue accelerator autocannons with a devastating neutron beam laser.”
The Sicaran Venator
wielding a massive neutron laser the Sicaran Venator is ready to punch through the thickest armor. It was originally designed by the great tech-priests of Mars to cut through any pesky xenos armor out there. But, as it turns out, it’s also super effective against all that Imperial tech, too! Both loyalist and traitor forces were quick to snag this Sicaran variant and get it into service to cut through their enemies.
It’s not just the high powered laser that you need to worry about with this massive gun. It’s also got some damaging secondary effects thanks to the Shock Pulse rule:
As an Ordnance weapon it’s going to do a pretty good job at cracking that armor so the return fire from it’s targets should be severely cut down. And just for some added kick (and because this is a Sicaran afterall) you’ll also have the options to load-up those side sponsons for extra dakka for the targets of your choice. Personally, I’d probably roll this as a tank hunter with lascannons on the side to help finish the job!