Kickstarter Highlights: 4 Pint Sized Board Games, Alien STLs, and More Zine Quest

Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding and Kickstarter highlights – including board games, card games, RPGs, and STLs!
3D Printable Heroes – STL
The set includes male and female presenting variants of each of the following species: human, elf, dwarf, orc, gnome, birdfolk/kenku, tiefling, goblin, and dragonborn. Distribution of digital files will be handled via MyMiniFactory.
Xenos Environment – STL
In this campaign (and those that will follow) I have tried to make alien-type scenery inspired by Starcraft, Warhammer, Ender, Starship Troopers, Dune, Alien, etc. All models are intended and designed for 28mm extrusion and scale printers. I have verified that all the pieces print well, and have not used support.
Here Be Dragons – OSR Zine
This 4.15″ wide by 8.3″ tall zine is presented in B&W and is (tentatively) divided into six sections. Every entry within the book was designed for use with classic fantasy roleplaying games, especially those systems that are derived from the original granddaddy game. I’d throw the name at you, but I trust you already know which game may be responsible for dungeons filled with dragons.
Hoss – Mothership Zine
Hoss, fought for steelworkers’ rights on his planet eventually getting the ruling corp, Sovereign Bliss, to agree to build a large refinery on one of the derrick towns. When Sovereign kept taking ever more significant cuts of the refinery’s business When Sovereign kept taking ever more significant cuts of the refinery’s business, eventually shutting it down, the steelworkers struck. And then an explosion rocked the town…
Hoss is an adventure compatible with the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. This zine is 8.5″ x 5.5″ and is expected to be around 25 pages.
Chomp, Sail, Couture, Mind Space – Board Games
This week’s header image is from this campaign.
We’re not publishing these games because they are small. We are publishing them because they are fun. They just happen to also be small. They’re all games we personally enjoyed and have played many times over.