Kill Team: Soulshakle Unboxed – Send In The Arbites
We got our hands on the new Soulshakle for Kill Team and it’s our first look at the Arbites in plastic!
The Imperial Law is about to get decreed all over the Kill Team scene. The Adeptus Arbites are here and they aren’t taking any excuses from the Drukhari in the latest Kill Team boxed set.
Kill Team: Soulshakle
Once more into the breach — only this time you’ll actually be able to make your own breaches! More on that later. First up, I know why you’re all here. You want that sweet Arbites action and I can’t say I blame you.
This is the first plastic Arbites kit we’ve had from Games Workshop in …well, ever. As you can see the sprues are packed with options and you’ll be able to assemble a full squad of these Imperial space cops as well as a cyber mastiff, too.
The models themselves have a lot of nods to the previous metal versions. The headgear on the squad leader is a sleeker version of the metal one and the pose is even reminecenet. There are some classic weapons in the batch as well. It’s cool to see the various wargear options and extras this Exaction squad has. Combat shotguns might be a classic but don’t skip out on the more exotic options. Pretty sure there’s a webgun in there!
The Dhrukhari also have a new upgrades sprue included in the box along with what’s essentially a set of Kabalite Warriors. This sprue gives you some nice upgrade options that will slot right in with your existing kits.
If you’re looking for a little extra to spice (or maybe spike) up your Kabalite Warriors this is a good way to do it!
The new terrain in the box also features some really cool wall sections that are removable. They represent bulkheads that have been breached! This is a nice addition to the game overall and is a nice addition to a set of Gallowdark terrain.
I also really like the halo table. I think that’s a really fun doodad to have around. And speaking of fun doodads, we have to call out the waterslide transfer sheet.
The body chalk outlines on this sprue are just a nice touch. I think folks are going to find some very creative uses for those. Why can’t you just use some white paint and some freehand? I’m not stopping you — but the same can be said for almost every waterslide transfer image above. So…just appreciate the dark humor for what it is.
Once important note about this box. You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team Core Book if you’re looking to play Kill Team with these contents. This one doesn’t have everything you need but it does have it’s own campaign that pits these two forces against each other. And it’s got plastic Arbites!
Kill Team: Soulshackle is up for pre-order this weekend!