MTG: ‘All Will Be One’ Gold Spoilers – Legend Has It These Cards Are Good

Multicolored Phyrexian abominations wend your way soon. Check out these All Will Be One gold spoilers and find your new Commander.
What goes into a legend? Well, where Magic: the Gathering is concerned, one of the easiest ways to be legendary is to be multicolored. The more the merrier. And in this batch of All Will Be One gold spoilers, here’s your chance to check out the latest set’s most Commanderrific cards.
Or perhaps you’re just looking to see who’s been Compleated. Or what new Phyrexian horrors will be unleashed, like the Phyrexian Elephant Wizard. They’re all here, so let’s dive in.
All Will Be One Gold Spoilers
Atraxa, Grand Unifier shows us all what a Phyrexian Angel looks like. And she comes with up to eight bonus cards just for entering the battlefield. Meanwhile, the Bladehold War-Whip is ready to fight for Mirrodin (one of my favorite mechanics in this set). You’ll also find the squids from The Matrix as well as one of many Phyrexian elves.
Speaking of which, how about a Phyrexian Zombie Elf? That’s Glissa Sunslayer, who’s just piling the elf modifiers on. Also Kaya and Kaito and Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden, are ready to represent the forces of Not Phyrexia with some surprising synergy. Lukka is his own green-red deck, basically, though, so they have their work cut out for them.
Malcator spits out Phyrexian Golems as long as you keep bringing artifacts into play. While Melira, the Living Cure, is one card that will help many Commander Decks shut down some of the poison plays in this set.
Of all the Planeswalkers here, Tyvar just seems to be having the absolute best time. I mean just look at him. Not only does he keep everyone punching, but he also keeps your little guys in the fight!
‘All Will Be One’ releases February 10th!