MTG: Save the Cathar, Save the World – More Fun Teamups for March of the Machines

When terrifying mechanical organisms invade your plane, sometimes your greatest enemy is your staunchest ally.
March of the Machines is coming up fast, and it’s already shaping up to be one of the most exciting (and admittedly goofiest) mainline sets. Praetors that become permanent sagas and compleated gods are just the tip of the iceberg. Elesh Norn has completed her corrupted World Tree, and now the entire multiverse is in danger. But hope remains; heroes and villains from every plane unite to stem the tide of the Great Orthodoxy. On the tabletop, this means single card partners. Each card showcases an unlikely team-up to stand against the Mother of Machines. While we’ve already seen a few powerful teams, there are a few we haven’t seen yet that I’d love to see pop up. It isn’t really likely that they will, but maybe we haven’t seen the last of the heroes of the Multiverse.
Radha and Rith
Two of the biggest heroes of Dominaria, Radha and Rith would make an incredible alliance. The grey-skinned half-elf is fiercely loyal to her people, a brilliant strategist, and a nascent Planeswalker with a unique brand of spark. Rith is one of the Elder Dragons of Dominaria alongside the likes of Darigaaz, Treva, and Crosis, and a powerful warrior in his own right. These two would make an amazing team, with Radha’s military brilliance and raw presence combined with Rith’s ability to bring the trees around him to life and his physical strength. Elesh Norn has some of the greatest warriors and deadly monsters at her back; Dominaria will need monsters of its own to stand against her.
Ashling and Rhys
Before the events of the Aurora, Ashling and Rhys were allies attempting to save their sunlit plane of Lorwyn. When the Aurora blanketed the plane in endless night, the two found themselves changed, their priorities shifted with their plane. Ashling became a deadly executioner, and Rhys a prince of the restored elves. However, the threat of Phyrexia could bring them together again, and woe betides the Praetor sent to quell them. Ashling’s corrupting powers, combined with Rhys’s ingenuity and an endless army of arrogant elves, would spell doom for even the mighty Phyrexians. I’d especially love it if Tyvar was the force that brought them together. He would find a strange kinship with the Elves of Lorwyn and would likely be the only one charismatic enough to direct Ashling’s mad rage.
Jor Kadeen and Urabrask
This one is the most unlikely on the list, but I’d still love to see it. By the nature of his creation, Urabrask is anathema to Elesh Norn and her Orthodoxy. When she swept across New Phyrexia, he created an area within the Forge to keep the Mirrans safe. Jor Kadeen is the leader of the rebel cell on New Phyrexia and is likely only alive because of Urabrask’s protection. I’d love to see him convince Urabrask to stand against Elesh Norn’s assault and see a “good” Phyrexian augment the Mirran warriors with oil. It isn’t likely, because Urabrask is still a creature of Phyrexia, but it would be really awesome to see.