Osprey Games Hints at the Year to Come

I am an absolute fan of Osprey Games. I love their systems and the variety of products that they publish. Recently they announced a little bit of what to expect in 2023 from their Wargaming department.
Right off the bat, I have to say that the artwork looks awesome! Seems like Horror is a running theme in some of their upcoming titles, so if you like skirmish or warband sized games with a mixing in of horror elements, keep your eyes on Osprey Games. Let’s see what they have. All of these games are available for pre-order, and I will link to them below.
The Doomed
This game is an Apocalyptic Horror Hunting wargame where you control a warband. Both you and the Horrors you fight grow as you play the game through a campaign with your friends. Looks like you will be able to bring an interesting mix of miniatures into this game just by looking at the cover artwork. You can learn more about this one here.
A War Transformed
This next one also mixes Horror with an alternative reality. A War Transformed brings in aspects of forgotten folklore and the occult into World War 1. I have no idea what this will look like on the tabletop yet, but I am thinking that you could make good use of the affordable Wargames Atlantic WW1 minis here. Learn more about this game with this link.
With Hot Lead & Cold Steel
The American Civil War is not my normal wheelhouse, but one of my friends is super excited for this ruleset and he has a painted collection that should work for it too. The blue series books from Osprey mix value with a fun set of rules. For more about this game, check out the link here.
Bolt Action: Campaign Italy
Bolt Action remains one of my favorite rule sets. More will be coming out for it in 2023 with this Campaign Italy: Tough Gut book. I look forward to seeing this book and others for the ruleset in the future. For more on this book, check out Osprey Games here.
Wrapping It Up…
When I saw the latest news from Osprey Games teasing their 2023 releases, I had to share them with you. These look exciting. On top of these titles, there are also releases coming for Frostgrave, Stargrave, and more. This is all really exciting, and I will bring you more news as I see it.
Until next time, Happy Gaming, Everyone!!!
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