Star Wars: The Best Vacation Planets for the Overworked Jedi

It’s a big galaxy with some planets that make ideal vacation spots. Here are a few of our favorite galactic vacation planets.
The galaxy is full of planets. And sure, a lot of them seem to be covered in nothing but desert for some reason. There there are also some really nice planets. Some Space-Instagram-worthy vacation planets. Which planet should we plan our next holiday on? How about one of these?
Introduced in last year’s Andor, Naimos isn’t anybody’s favorite vacation planet, but it’s got a certain ‘spring break or laying low after pulling off a huge heist’ sort of charm. It’s built up right on the water in a way that always reminds me of the Jersey Shore. So I’d say there’s a better-than-good chance that those buildings are a mixture of mediocre restaurants, questionable clubs, and casinos that are moments from experiencing bankruptcy. But it’s also got a decent-looking beach. Would this be anybody’s first choice? Probably not. But if you’re looking to rent a cheapish beach house in the galaxy far far away, I bet Naimos would have something for you.
The desert planet of Cantonica houses a vacation spot that you almost definitely know by name: Canto Bight. While Naimos likely has crumbling casinos, Canto Bight is a destination for the wealthy to gamble their credits away at sabacc and fathier races. It’s also a location that’s undeniably really aesthetically pleasing. Even if you hadn’t this entire trilogy, you have to admit that this location was really beautifully designed.
Visiting Coruscant would be a little like taking a trip to see New York City. I understand why people do it, but I personally enter that city to see shows and then head right back out again. This is basically the center of the entire galaxy, serving as the capital for many years and considered by some to be the homework of humanity. Coruscant is a cultural hub. But it’s also got a pretty seedy underbelly so try not to look too much like a tourist.
This planet in the Mandalore sector is cold, snowy, and mountainous. In other words, it’s the perfect location for a galactic skiing vacation. It can’t all be beaches, and if your space family prefers snowshoeing and downhill cold weather sports, Krownest might just be the vacation spot for you. That is, assuming you can give the patrolling, jetpack-equipped Mandalorians an acceptable reason for why you’re entering their planet’s airspace.
This is it. This is the spot. The idyllic beaches. The peaceful palm trees. And do you see the color of that water? Scarif is paradise. Is there an Imperial base there? Maybe, but if there were it would be top secret so let’s not talk about it too loud. And there’s plenty of beach so just find a nice empty spot in the sun and-
Y’know what, let’s rediscuss Niamos for no reason at all.
Which of the galaxy’s many planets would you plan a vacation on? What is your ideal kind of vacation and vacation spot? Would you visit any of these planets if you had the chance? Let us know in the comments!
May the Force be with you, adventurers!