‘Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’ Game Play Footage Reveals Plot, Characters, & More

Developers share a bunch of new details and gameplay footage of the upcoming Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League at State of Play.
Rocksteady’s Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has been one of the most anticipated games since it was announced. It’s the studio’s first full-game project since Batman: Arkham Knight in 2015. The info for the third-person action-adventure shooter has been at a trickle for a while now with the exception of some released gameplay footage and a leaked image showing the game’s microtransactions.
PlayStation just had its first State of Play event of the year. There, it showed off some of the games coming to the platform. The presentation ended with the biggest look at the game yet.
Gameplay Footage of The Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League
For a long time, all fans knew was the premise. Brainiac has invaded the Earth by mind-controlling the Justice League to do his bidding. The story follows the Suicide Squad members Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark who are tasked with saving the world by killing the Justice League.
Studio Product Director Darius Sadeghian introduced the game footage and mentioned that it takes place 5 years after the events of Batman: Arkham Knight. Amanda Waller sends Task Force X to save Lex Luthor from a corrupted Flash. After a cutscene of the Flash taunting the Squad to come and get Luthor, a giant cannon appears.
The gameplay itself is like Marvel’s The Avengers. Levels are just laid out on a grander scale. Each character has a different set of traversal mechanics. Harley does acrobatics and uses grappling hooks to get around while Captain Boomerang is using super speed. Deadshot has a jetpack and King Shark does large jumps with some kind of mid-air swimming animation.
Rocksteady Devs Talk Characters, Plot, & More
The gameplay trailer eventually ends with a reveal that Wonder Woman is not being controlled by Brainiac–and it teases some things to come for Task Force X.
Rocksteady devs went on to explain that Brainiac wants to change Earth into a new version of his home planet Colu. The game will also feature characters supporting the Squad with weapons and gear. Players will meet the Penguin, Toy Man, Hack, and Gizmo. Each one will help the villains with specific tasks, and there might be more characters to meet in Metropolis. The developers worked really hard at making Metropolis feel as different from Gotham as they could. For one, the city is a lot cleaner looking.
The devs went on to explain what the differences between the characters are supposed to be for players. Harley Quinn is constantly moving with acrobatics. She’s one of the faster characters in just terms of traversal. So she’s great for players who like constant movement. Deadshot has a jetpack to move around and hover in the air. He’ll also have the best shooting stats in the game–he is a master assassin after all. Great for a person who just likes sniping people.
King Shark is a tank. He takes more damage than any of the other Squad members and will have the fastest melee attacks in the game. He also sports some fun ground-pound-looking moves. If he is as good as they make him sound, he’ll be great for anyone who likes playing the brute. And lastly, Captain Boomerang seems to traverse using his boomerang (it connects to a Speed Force gauntlet that practically teleports him to a spot.)
There will be six types of guns in the game: Assault Rifles, SMGs, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Mini Guns, and Pistols. The game will also have villain-themed gear load-outs that give special bonuses. The devs gave the example of a Bane gear set that would play a sort of drum and green smoke will appear on your attacks. This is reminiscent of Marvel’s The Avengers had gear with special features like Gamma or Vibranium stats.
Everyone’s weapon will also be upgradeable and customizable. Each character will also have various costume options. Unfortunately, they confirmed many of them will be behind the Battle Pass option that was part of the leaked screenshot from January. The game should be playable from beginning to end by yourself or up to 4 players. Rocksteady also promised to support the game for a long while after launch with new characters, weapons, missions, and costumes.
I’ve Got a Fever and the Only Prescription is More Boomerangs
There doesn’t appear to be a good look at the differences between the characters’ fighting styles. Everyone does a takedown and that’s cool to see, but it’s not that different from each other. Since it’s a shooter, everyone has a gun, which really takes away from each character’s unique talents. For instance, Captain Boomerang should be doing more with his boomerangs.
The level is also chock full of large purple weak points on tanks, helicopters, and even some enemies. It seems they designed them that way to make it easier to shoot them from a distance. In my opinion, it just becomes a bit distracting.
The biggest praise I can give the preview of the game is the area looks fantastic. The Superman statues make it feel very different from how Gotham was portrayed.
‘Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League’ will release on May 26th for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC