These Dice Towers are Monstrously Good

These dice towers will bring a few more monsters to your table next session. But hopefully, they’ll provide more nat20s than destruction.
D&D is full of two things more than almost anything else: monsters we all love to hate and arguably too many dice. And creatively tragic backstories, but today we’re just focusing on the first two things. Personally, I love using a dice roller. It makes the rolls feel more random somehow and keeps me from accidentally throwing a hearty handful of my number rocks onto the floor by accident. And these dice towers are a little extra monstrous.
1. Mimic Dice Tower

For some reason, we all love mimics. They’re one of those monsters that don’t appear too often, but when they do it always makes an all-in-good-fun moment of animosity toward the DM. You thought it was going to be treasure, but it was me, Mimic! Luckily, this treasure chest only looks like a mimic and is in reality a dice tower.
2. Cthulhu Dice Tower

While Cthulhu isn’t exactly from D&D, I find that the people with a passing interest in The Great Old Ones and people who play D&D have a fair amount of overlap. Plus, there are multiple Cthulhu and Lovecraft-inspired tabletop RPGs that also use dice. So of course there is a market for a Cthulhu-shaped dice tower. You drop dice into his head and they land in the waves he’s rising ominously out of. Plus if you have any bad dice, each hand acts as a terrifying dice jail.
3. Skull Dice Tower

This one is delightful in its simplicity. It’s a skull with a spider sitting spookily on top. The dice drop into one of the eye sockets and out through the mouth, which is perfectly and naturally designed to keep the dice from shooting off of the table. This design works for almost any kind of game from fantasy to Goonies-style kids-on-bikes. And with four color options, you can get a skull tower to match your table or room.
4. Lich King Tower

This design is fun, smart, and really great for D&D campaigns. Dice fall in through the crown and then come out through one of three random chutes. So you really don’t know what you’ll be getting when you roll with this tower, or even where your dice will come out. It also comes with two sets of translucent blood-red dice, to really lean into the theme.
5. Purple Worm Dice Tower

This one is my favorite of this list by a long margin. Dice drop into the worm’s back and shoot out through its mouth, so it’s always looking like the creature is about to eat your freshly rolled dice. And if you get a nat-one it just may.
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to rebuild the town all of these monsters keep destroying!