This ‘Zardoz’ Closet Cosplay Speaks to You, His Chosen Ones

You have been raised up from brutality to create epic cosplays. The gun is good, and so is this Zardoz closet cosplay.
The 1970s was a time of much experimentation. Drugs were rampant, and film was… shall we say, INTERESTING. The ’70s gave us such sci-fi cinematic gems as Westworld, The Black Hole, and Dark Star. This week we’re paying homage to one of the greatest of these 1970s oddball Sci-Fi films- Zardoz.
Zardoz is one hell of a journey. Through life and death, time and space, it’s a trip probably best taken on some sort of psychedelic (or maybe not, depending). It has one of the most iconic and recognizable sci-fi costumes of all time, and certainly one of the most controversial. I don’t think we’ll ever forget Sean Connery in a bikini brief and thigh-high boots with a braid. With that in mind, here’s a cheeky (literally) list of Zardoz closet cosplay inspiration!
Zardoz Closet Cosplay: The Chest
It’s simply not possible to do a Sean Connery cosplay of any kind without the chest hair. It’s ironically Sean Connery. So for this Zardoz, a chest shirt (unless you come naturally endowed with such amazing chest hair) is a perfect way to start. Just TRY ordering one of these without chuckling.
Zardoz Closet Cosplay: The Bottoms
There are a few different ways of going about the Zardoz look. If you’re really brave, this brief is a great way to go. But for the purposes of closet cosplay, any red bottom would work. Shorts, underwear… Rock what you got.
Zardoz Closet Cosplay: A More “covered” Mens Brief

If you want something with a bit less cheek and more coverage, a simple athletic brief will do.
Zardoz Closet Cosplay: The Harness
There isn’t much in the way of layers to this cosplay. But what it does offer is a myriad of fetish-style-inspired harnesses and rigs. There are a PLETHORA of options for this on Amazon, so happy hunting.
Zardoz Closet Cosplay: The Boots
There wasn’t much in the way of great men’s over-the-thigh boots on Amazon, but you catch the drift. You can use a boot you already have on hand, make a boot cover, or do a stocking instead. But I highly recommend a typical faire boot, in the pirate style.
Zardoz Closet Cosplay: The Braid
To top this closet cosplay off you have to get the braid. It ties the look together in more than one way. This simple braid attachment will get you there in a hurry!
Oh hey! BoLS might make a little dolla-dolla if you decide to buy these items. We need that money to buy more over-the-knee boots and handlebar mustaches. Thanks for your support, and remember- Guns might be good, but supporting your friendly local cosplayer is even better!
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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