Wargames Atlantic Bursts into WW2 with 2 New Box Sets

If you are looking to sneak behind enemy lines in your WWII games, you need to check out these new sets by Wargames Atlantic.
Looking for alternative figures to Bolt Action, more figures that match the official miniatures to 02 Hundred Hours, or just WW2 figures in general? There are some great new options with Wargames Atlantic. They already have three World War II kits, and these two new ones bring the total up to five. That’s a quickly developing line. Let’s take a quick look at the newest figures from this company.
New German Sentries Miniatures
This box comes with forty miniatures at a great price. Looking for dogs? This kit has 10 of them in there.
Here is the Sprue. They look like they are going to be quick and simple to build. Below is a picture of some of those figures built and painted. These figures are available now – order here.
New British SAS / Commandos Miniatures
To go against them, Wargames Atlantic created these British figures. Here is their sprue. Again, they look like they will be simple to build. I think there are a few more options on this set than the German Sprue.
What do you think? Here is a shot of them built and on the table. Awesome! If these figures interest you, you can find them here.
Wrapping it up…
Today’s article is a news piece to show you some new WW2 figures by Wargames Atlantic. These two new sets continue to grow their line of WW2 figures.
Until next time, Happy Gaming, Everyone!!!
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