Warhammer 40K: 4 More Boarding Patrols Inbound

Games Workshop has announced 4 new Boarding Patrol Boxes coming your way. These are perfect seeds for new armies!
Are you looking to add an ally faction to your collection? Maybe you just want to dabble with a new army without having to go “all-in” yet. Perhaps you’re starting a Boarding Actions League and you need a small force to get you going. Well you’re in lucking because Games Workshop has 4 more Boarding Patrol boxes coming to a tabletop near you.
“Everyone else wants in on the action, and now the whole galaxy is boarding the Arks of Omen in search of glory, treasure, or just a big punch-up. In fact, four more Boarding Patrol boxes are preparing for launch in the near future – and only one of them might be said to have the Emperor’s best interests at heart…”
Boarding Patrols Inbound
These 4 boxes bring a nice selection of new forces to size of a Boarding Action. Let’s take a look at each one!
Boarding Patrol – Adeptus Mechanicus
1x Tech-Priest Dominus
10x Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard
3x Kataphrons Destroyers/Breachers
5x Sicarians Ruststalkers/Infiltrators
This is a nice splash of options from the Adeptus Mechanicus range. It’s also got a “generic” HQ option so you can really grow this any direction you want.
Boarding Patrol – Chaos Daemons
1x Karanak
10x Bloodletters
10x Flesh Hounds
This box really should have been Combat Patrol: Khorne Daemons. Anyhow, if you’re looking for some extra Khorne fans now that Angron is running around this could be a great option. In the tight corridors of the Arks of Omen this could actually be a pretty deadly force, too! Just watchout for long hallways…
Boarding Patrol – Genestealer Cults
1x Kelermorph
10x Acolyte Hybrids / Hybrid Metamorphs
1x Abominant
5x Aberrants
The Kelermorph can provide some nasty shots at shorter ranges while the rest of the force is going to do some work up close. They might be “miners” but they are well suited for the cramped quarters of the Space Hulk fighting.
Boarding Patrol – Death Guard
1x Lord of Virulence
3x Deathshroud Terminators
10x Plague Marines
This is a pretty gnarly set of minis for the Death Guard! Those big, hulking Deathshroud are no joke and this force packs the armor and the damage to cause problems against any enemies stalking the halls (or the hulls) of an Ark of Omen!
All of these Boarding Patrols are coming soon — which one is your favorite?