Warhammer 40K: 4 New Boarding Patrol Point Breakdowns
Games Workshop’s latest Boarding Patrols are coming soon so we wanted to find out how many points each box is packing.
Earlier this week GW announced 4 more Boarding Patrol boxed sets are coming. Today, we’re taking a closer look at how many points each has inside the box. We’re also going to decide if these are worth snagging one copy (a Peat), multiple copies (a Repeat), or should you just wait on them (No-peat).
As always we are basing the points off the latest(9at the time of publishing) Munitorum Field Manual so feel free to double check our math!
Boarding Patrol – Adeptus Mechanicus
1x Tech-Priest Dominus = 70
10x Skitarii Rangers/Vanguard = 90 / 90 + wargear
3x Kataphrons Destroyers/Breachers = 120 / 105 + wargear
5x Sicarians Ruststalkers/Infiltrators = 80 / 85
Total: 345 – 365 + wargear
There’s a bit of a range on points based on which units you end up building. Either way you’ve also got wargear to account for. If you were looking to start a new Adeptus Mechanicus force this box is worth taking a hard look at because you could stick with just one copy for access to a wide array of options. But if you bought two copies (or more) you could either double up on existing options or built the alternate options.
Personally, I’d stop at 2 because the extra Dominus may or maynot be worth having. We’re rating this one a Repeat.
Boarding Patrol – Chaos DaemonsĀ
1x Karanak = 90
10x Bloodletters = 130
10x Flesh Hounds = 150
Total: 370
A very simple and straightforward list in this box. It’s Karanak and a bunch of Khorne options. Unless this box is super cheap on purchase, I’d call it a Peat. You really can’t take advantage of multiple Karanaks even though the rest of the box is a very meat and potatoes roster. However, this box does have some extra value if you’re also playing Age of Sigmar…just throwing that out there as this box because a two-for-one deal in that case.
Boarding Patrol – Genestealer Cults
1x Kelermorph = 80
10x Acolyte Hybrids / Hybrid Metamorphs = 90 / 120 + wargear
1x Abominant = 85
5x Aberrants = 135
Total: 390 – 420 + wargear
Again, depending on how you load these out you’ve got a bit of a range. This one is also very much a Repeat if you’re looking to play Genestealer Cults. You’ll find a use for most of these units if you want to build into them. Alternatively, you can entirely skip this one if you don’t want to build into an Aberrant bomb or don’t want Hybrids in your list. So either lean into this one and snag two or pass.
Boarding Patrol – Death Guard
1x Lord of Virulence = 120
3x Deathshroud Terminators = 150
10x Plague Marines = 190
Total: 460
This Boarding Patrol box is at minimum a Peat. That’s based on if you want to start this Army and are looking for a good starting point for Death Guard. It’s also a super durable set of options for Boarding Action games themselves. Now, the question is if you should get multiple copies or not. You have to decide if you want to squeeze in a second Lord of Virulence or not as well as the Deathshroud Terminators.
Personally, I think having full 6 Deathshroud is a good idea. It’s really just that second Lord of Virulence. You’ll find a use for the Plague Marines if you’re playing Death Guard. With that in mind, we’re rating this one a Repeat.
These new Boarding Patrol boxes are all worth at least one copy as they are good for Boarding Action games and can be a good seed for a future army.