Warhammer 40K: Astra Militarum Combat Patrol Points Breakdown

The Astra Militarum are getting a new Combat Patrol box. Let’s breakdown the points inside and figure out what to add next!
With the new Astra Militarum Combat Patrol box announced it’s the prefect time to start planning out a new army for them. The Combat Patrol boxes are typically a great place to kick off a new army as they feature lots of models most armies will need. Today, we’re taking a look at the contents of the Combat Patrol as well as their points. From there we’ll slap together a 2000 point list to see what extras we need to add to get there.
As always, we’re basing our points off the lastest Munitorum Field Manual which you can check out here. We’re going to go with the cheapest point options and leave some extras for wargear so you can upgrade on your own later.
Command Squad – 75 + wargear
20 Cadian Shock Troopers – 130
Armoured Sentinel – 45 + wargear
Field Ordnance Battery – 130
Point Total: 380
Turns out the trip to 2000 points is going to be a long one! The Cadian Shock Troopers are actually 2 squads of 10 guardsmen each. So this actually has a well rounded set of options for your force org charts. So where do we go from here? There’s a lot of ways you could go. Do you add some tanks? What about more infantry? Could we specialize a bit and splash some elite units in there? The good news is that it’s the Astra Militarum — you’ve got options.
With this Combat Patrol I think we’ve got a theme going. With the Artillery Battery and the 25 infantry models, I think this theme is boots on the ground with lots of big guns backing them up. We’re going to flood the field with them — and I also wonder how many guardsmen you can fit in a list…but that’s another topic.
Should you double up on this Combat Patrol? Well, it’s a minimum of 380 points and you can basically use all those units again. So why not! That will bring out total up to 760 + wargear. Okay, that’s 50 boots on the ground with 2 Field Ordnance Battery of 2 models each. Plus the sentinels which we can put in a unit. At this point, I think I do want some armor in the form of a classic. A trio of Leman Russes would do nicely.
It’s a classic and it has one advantage over the Rogal Dorn — you can put three of them in a Squadron. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Plus thats 450 + wargear in points to add in. Our total is now at 1210 + wargear. I’m feeling like this is a fairly well rounded list in terms of stuff to put on the tabletop.
What to add next. You know what? I’m gonna regret this but I’m going for a triple Combat Patrol option. I don’t even know if actually want the 3 Command Squad but I do want the 2 more units of Shock Troops, the Sentinel and the Field Ordnance Battery. I’m just going to remove the 75 points for the Command Squad from the 380 and still have only spent 305 on all of that. Now we have a unit of Armoured Sentinels, 3 Ordnance batteries, and 60 guardsmen total. Backed up by 2 command squads and a trio of Leman Russ Tanks. And we’re only at 1515 + wargear. Why they so cheap?!
You know what? I’m just going to add in another 3 Leman Russes. That’s 450 points. That will put us at 1965 + wargear. If you’re worried about not having enough points for extras we could drop the Leman Russes and add in a Rogal Dorn instead. That’s only 250 points and would leave us lots of room for wargear. In fact, what if just went with 1 Rogal Dorn and 1 more Leman Russ. Then we could split the trio of them into 2×2 squads and have a beefier Dorn in there, too. And then we’d have 45 points we could spend on weapons/wargear upgrades. Let’s roll. As for Detachment? I’m just using the Arks of Omen one because I don’t want to worry about slots.
The List
Command Squad – 75 + wargear
Command Squad – 75 + wargear
10x Cadian Shock Troopers – 65
10x Cadian Shock Troopers – 65
10x Cadian Shock Troopers – 65
10x Cadian Shock Troopers – 65
10x Cadian Shock Troopers – 65
10x Cadian Shock Troopers – 65
Fast Attack
3x Armoured Sentinel – 135 + wargear
Heavy Support
Field Ordnance Battery – 130
Field Ordnance Battery – 130
Field Ordnance Battery – 130
2x Leman Russ 300 + wargear
2x Leman Russ 300 + wargear
Rogal Dorn Tank 250 + wargear
Total: 1915 + wargear
How will this play out? Well you’ve got a lot of boots on the ground and lots of firepower to back things up. How you load out your artillery and Leman Russes will really impact how this army plays. Will it be good? I’m not sure but I know if I were sitting across from this firing line I might be a tad bit concerned. It’s a classic Astra Militarum “meat and potatoes” style list and should be a pretty good game to feast on!
What would you swap around to add some spice to this list?