Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch 4 – Blessings Of The Omnissiah

Warhammer 40K: Darktide’s Patch 4 brings out the blessings of the Omnissiah, including wargear sets, armoury exchange, and more.
The newest patch for Warhammer 40K: Darktide is here. In Patch 4, Blessings of the Omnissiah, players will find a reworked Shrine of the Omnissiah, allowing for better blessing systems. As well as better gear rules, updated crafting rules, and some fairly significant tweaks to the classes.
As Warhammer 40K: Darktide’s devs continue the long journey to making fixes that address the community’s concerns, the reviews are steadily climbing. Here’s a look at what’s new in Darktide Patch 4.
Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch 4
There are a ton of changes in the new patch. From balance changes to high level overhauls, there’s plenty to dig through. We’re hitting some of the highlights, but for a full list of all the patch notes, you should check here.
First things first, Wargear Sets are now available for customization. You can save a wargear set that will save your loadout of weapons, curious, cosmetics, and chosen talents so you can quickly swap between them. Right now, players can create up to 5 wargear sets.
The Armoury Exchange will now let you pick specific weapons by their marks, once you’ve unlocked them. Melee and Ranged weapon marks are available once you have unlocked them by reaching the appropriate level. Though at Brunt’s Armoury, you’ll only find weapons of Profane sanctity.
The Shrine of the Omnissiah has been reworked. Now you can extract a Blessing from a weapon in your inventory, and once you do, you earn the permanent ability to use this Blessing on another weapon of the same mark. Blessings so harvested are shared between characters on an account basis.
You can also change a weapon’s Blessing, swapping out an existing Blessing with one of your harvested Blessings.
Alongside these changes, Item Generation has received a significant upgrade. Now it’s easier to upgrade your items and you stand a much better chance of getting better blessings/perks as you do so.
A number of weapons have been rebalanced, and the Classes have seen some significant tweaks.
You should check out the full patch notes for more detail as those are fairly extensive, if fiddly.
Now we await the next Comm-Link to see where the game is headed