Warhammer 40K Theories: Guilliman and The Lion Are Going To Fight A Civil War

Anything could happen to the Imperium if two loyal sons, Roboutte Guilliman and Lion El’Jonson fight for the Golden Throne.
4oK loves its big showdowns. From the epic brother vs. brother battle of Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus to the father/son fight of the Emperor and Horus. More recently we’ve seen clashes between Abbadon and seemingly everyone. Sometimes these showdowns are personal fights. At other times they pit vast armies against each other and tear apart empires. One theory posits that one major rivalry and showdown could be the biggest in modern 40K.
The Lion Is Coming Back
I think it’s pretty clear that at some point, possibly very soon, the Lion is going to wake up and return to 40K. Recent Dark Angels book have pretty much confirmed that he is fully healed and just waiting for the right moment. There have been rumors that the Lion was going to be released in a set for years. Recently the rumors have started going around that he will come alongside 10th edition this summer. On the surface bringing him back helps balance the Primarch playing field. Right now Chaos has three wayward brothers, and Guilliman could use some help. However, I don’t think that’s going to be the case, because the Lion and Guilliman are not going to be on the same page.
A Family Disagreement
So let’s say the Lion wakes up and comes back to join the fight on the Imperial side. Why then would he and Guilliman fight? The answer to that goes all the way to the Heresy. During the Heresy Gulliman, while cut off from Terra, attempted to set up a so-called “Imperium Secundus” in Ultramar. Some, including the Lion, accused him of trying to build his own Imperium. Guilliman defended himself saying he was just trying to make sure the Imperium survived if Terra was lost. While the Lion eventually agreed to aid Guilliman in the task, provided that another person lead the Imperium Secundus he does note at the time that he doesn’t totally trust Gulliman’s motives:
“‘I want to trust you, Roboute,’ the Lion replied, ‘but I have always been wary of your ambition.’”(Unremembered Empire)
Even back then the Lion didn’t fully trust Guilliman. Flash forward now to the current time. If the Lion does return. He’s going to see an Imperium that’s far changed from what it was, and not in a way he will like. He will also see Guilliman all but in control of it, having replaced people at every level with those loyal to him. Guilliman is in effect Emperor right now, and there are some, like Gabriel Seth, who already think he wants to be Emperor. Also Guilliman is working to rebuild his own little empire of Ultramar and is reshaping the Space Marines more in his ideal. He’s also pretty openly working with the Aeldari/Ynnari. I don’t think any of this is going to sit well with the Lion. After all Guilliman was pretty unhappy with the state of the Imperium when he came back, and that was without a brother seemingly having taken it over.
The Theory Of The Civil War
Ultimately this theory claims that when the Lion comes back he and Guilliman will divide the Imperium in a civil war. There have been lots of hints pointing towards possible Imperial civil wars or schisms. Possibly between Primaris and old Marines, or Cawl and Guilliman, or Guilliman and others. This theory suggests that all those other conflicts will be subsumed by a battle between Guilliman and the Lion. This would be a war not for the galaxy, but for the Imperium. The theory builds on the fact that when the Lion awakes he will be fresh from the recent (to him) betrayals that put him in his sleep. He’s not going to be in a trusting mood. He’s going to awaken to a world were his ambitious brother who he doesn’t trust has taken over. Sangunius won’t be there to smooth things over, and the Lion will have no choice but to act.
I learned at a young age you can’t trust lions.
I kind of hope this theory ends up being true. It would help reshape the modern 40K story. This would focus the story on a showdown between two mortal brothers, brothers who ultimately want the same thing. It’s not the tired old good vs. evil line, it’s not a daemon primarch with nothing to lose, its instead a very human story and one that could have some real stakes.
Let us know what you think about this theory, down in the comments!